Chapter 4

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Michaels POV

After managing my way out of Luke's apartment as quickly as I could, I went home. School was nearly halfway over, so I figured: Whats the point?

I shut the door behind me, pressing my back against it, slowly sliding down. I felt like I was in some drama movie or something, but I was feeling dramatic, so whatever. I groaned, because, of course, there had to be a catch. Wasnt there always? A beautiful boy talked to me. Talked. To me. But he just had to be a future murderer.


I reach my hand deep into my right front pants pocket, searching for my phone. Weird. I couldve sworn I put it there. I check my other pocket, my bookbag, my lap (it happens), but I found nothing. I mustve left it at Lukes place. Dammit.

Okay... I had two choices: I go right now while I'm here already, or tomorrow before school.

I chose the latter, on account of how lazy I was.

I grunted as I rose from where I sat on the wooden oak floor, rubbing my face. I was so confused. Who could change their disposition so quickly, without a warning?

Then, an idea squeezed its way into my brain: Did he have Bipolar Disorder, like I did? Did he just have a more severe variation of it?

I thought and thought as I rushed to my room, grabbing my laptop and sitting it at my desk. I opened it up and watched the soft glow of the screen light up.

I typed my password: pizza- dont judge me.

When the web browser popped up, I wrote in the Google search bar : Bipolar Disorder.

As the page loaded, I wondered why I've never looked this up for myself. That was soon just a fleeting thought as I read the words before me:

Signs & Symptoms

People with bipolar disorder experience unusually intense emotional states that occur in distinct periods called "mood episodes." Each mood episode represents a drastic change from a person’s usual mood and behavior. An overly joyful or overexcited state is called a manic episode, and an extremely sad or hopeless state is called a depressive episode. Sometimes, a mood episode includes symptoms of both mania and depression. This is called a mixed state. People with bipolar disorder also may be explosive and irritable during a mood episode.

People with bipolar disorder also may be explosive and irritable during a mood episode. Explosive. Irritable. That was it.

I didnt see any signs of extreme depression or happiness, but then again, I have definitely not spent enough time with him to know. I look across my room at the clock: 12:47pm.

I run my fingers through my hair, deciding I was hungry. I wasnt actually feeling hungry, but I was bored, so I ate.

I ate leftover Chinese food from dinner last night and was about to watch reruns of How I Met Your Mother when I heard a loud knock on the front door. Cautiously, I tip-toed to its wooden frame, looking through the peephole.

I spotted a blonde quiff.


Lukes POV (Pov change woah)

The door opened and I gave a slight smile, seeing my bubble gum boy. Michael.

His eyes widened, but he quickly returned my smile, yet his was tight-lipped and forced. "Hello, Luke." His soft, warm voice came from his lips, floating into my ears, blessing me with the sound of it.

"Mikey," I breathed. The emeralds of his eyes looked up at me, sparkling. God, he was beautiful. I broke our staring contest, looking down- Never in a million years could I handle the intensity of them.

"I -uh. Sorry. Um... you left your phone at my apartment." I struggled to let out, chuckling nervously.

His eyes remained apon me. No. Not on me. It seemed as if he were looking through me. Into the depths of my soul, or something.

"Okay," he finally whispered so quietly im surprised I even heard it.

I held out my hand, which was clutching the phone- it had a pink and purple floral print scattered on the case. I smiled, "Very manly."

His cheeks glowed with the radiance of soft pink roses, and I could feel myself getting warm, as well.

Mikey reached out, grabbing the phone from my palm, our fingers brushing slightly, but enough for goosebumps to form along my forearm and a mild tingle to shudder along my spine. I felt my cheeks on fire now, and I saw Michaels were impossibly red now.

"Well," I finally said, clearing my throat. "Ill see you later?"

"Yeah. Yes," he nodded.

And I turned and left, leaving him to watch me walk away.

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