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Um, so you may or may not have been wondering where me and my stories have went, and.. its kinda a long story.

In short, my dad thought I was "talking to strangers" on here, and made me delete it from my phone, so technically im not supposed to be on here right now, Oh well.

Anyway, tomorrow I will try to convince my parents to let me redownload Wattpad. I miss you guys, even though idk if you miss me.

Im not dead. I didnt forget about you guys. Infact, I think of my fanfics everyday.

Just a little insight on where ive been... love you guys,

-rhayne may just come back

PS. 3.7 K READS AND 260 VOTES GUYS!?!? Im so incredibly thankful and I love each and every one y'all. Thank you :)

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