Chapter 9

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*Events in this Chapter May Trigger*

Lukes POV

As I pull into the parking lot of the large apartment building, I rub a stray tear away.

I cannot believe this boy led me on. Was he even gay? I highly doubt it. And to think I was starting to.. like him.

What the fuck is wrong with him? I.. I dont even know what to feel.

I exit my car, slamming the door furiously. Walking up the long stairs, I stomp with each step. Fuck, why am I so upset about losing a damn boy I met two days ago?

I feel an itching on the inner part of my forearm, and the feeling is too strong to ignore anymore. As soon as I enter my apartment, I'm running to the bathroom. I search everywhere: the medicine cabinet, the bottom portion of the sink, the closet, nothing.

Finally, I find what Im looking for in the kitchen drawer.

I hold the shiny object in the air, admiring how it glimmered in the bright lights. I havent used it in a while, but I dont want it to be lonely anymore.

I calmly stride to my room, sitting on the edge of my king size bed.

"Hello, friend. Ive missed you," I smile sickly at the small object.

I initially press it softly into my pale flesh of my wrist, then gradually apply more and more pressure until the skin breaks open and the crimson liquid of my dreams drips down my arm, onto my black duvet.

I cant contain the wide smile spread across my face as I make more and more pretty wounds upon my arm.

Im on vacation now.


Michaels POV

"Michael Clifford, is that you?"

I squint my eyes to peer into the gray car, and im surprised by who I see.

Eyes wide, I whisper, "Calum? Calum Hood?"

He rolls his eyes, "No, I'm Justin Bieber. Of course its me, I look the same."

"Oh, yeah. You still look Asian," I smirk.

"Shut your mouth, Clifford. Get in the car and explain why youre sitting on a city bench at 10:30pm,"

I rise from the green, rusted bench, groaning loudly at the pain in my legs from running. I stagger over to Calums car, wincing with each step. Finally, I let myself into the vehicle, slumping back in the leather seat. I need to work out more.

"Okay, dick. Explain yourself," Calum smiles.

"Its quite long..."

"Don't try that with me, Clifford. I have time," his face grows slightly frustrated

"Okay, okay. Soo.. I was on a kind-of date with this guy-"

"Guy?" Calums eyebrows scrunch together.

I nervously play with my dead phone as sweat dribbles down my temples.

"Uh.. yeah. A guy," I finally announce, my head hanging down im disappointment.

"Wow, things have changed since we last saw each other. Okay, continue,"

My head snaps up, and I give him a perplexed look. "You're not mad?"

Calum places his tan hand upon my shoulder, smiling at me reassuringly, "Of course not Michael. I love you too much," he then pauses, "I mean, like a bro. Im not gay,"

I giggle, "Okay. So anyway, I was on a date with this really cute guy named Luke..."

15 minutes later..

"What a bitch," Calum squints his eyes, looking out onto the highway before us.

"And then she said she was telling everyone she knew that im a 'dyke'" I said lowly, tracing patterns with my finger onto my thigh.

"Im sorry, Mike,"

"Yeah. Yeah... whatever," I look out the window at the dark clouds that crowded the indigo night sky.

Calum pulls up to my large apartmemt building, and I smile with relief.

"Calum, thank you. Without you, I have no idea how I wouldve gotten home, " I smile at the tan boy beside me.

"Dont mention it, Michael. Hey- is your number still the same?" Calum raises his eyebrows.

I nod, "Yeah, and yours?"


We sit awkwardly for a few seconds before I clear my throat, "Well.. bye."

Calum mumbles out his farewell as I exit his car, the cold breeze of late autumn whipping against my white cheeks, turning them into a rich shade of red.

I begin walking to my apartment on the first floor when I hear loud shrieks of anger from the floor above me. I almost shrug it off before a loud crash snaps above me.

Soon im running up the steps, gasping for air like I was before. Oh god oh god oh god.

I firmly knock on Lukes apartment door, worried as hell now. When there is no response, I knock harder, and faster.

Finally, I hear a deep voice croak a 'yes?' and I swear feel my heart shatter like fine china. He just sounded so... broken.

"Lukey, open the door. I - I need to explain. Please," I plead, pressing my forehead against the cool surface of the wooden door.

A long silence.


The door creaks open slowly, revealing my boy.

I cant help but burst into tears at the sight before me.


Wow im sorry this took so lONG.

But yeah wwa iN 2 DAYS WHAT

k bye

×× rh ay ne ××

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