Chapter 14

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michaels pov

i stare intently at luke, my eyes narrowed. in my peripheral vision i see ashton as he scratches his head, still in a perplexed state. i.. still cant believe this, even though the evidence was right in front of me.

i..i hate luke. ihatelukeihateluke. hot tears stream down my face as i furiously swipe them away with the back of my hand. finally, i thought someone actually liked someone like me. finally, i thought someone liked ugly, fat, undeserving me. but no. i hate luke, and i hate myself, and i hate the world and all who inhabit it. i hate everything and i just want to scream until my throat is raw and my lungs give out. but right now, all i can do is stare at the bitch that sat before me.

"wait.. what's going on here?" ashton interrupts my thoughts.

i turn to look at the hazel-eyed boy and my glare softens. he genuinely didn't know what was happening, and i cant help but feel more infuriated at luke. not only because he was fucking with my feelings, but because he was fucking with my best friends' feelings, and as much as i teased and mocked the curly-headed boy, i really did care for him.

"tell him, lucas." i seethe through my teeth as i turn to the purple-haired boy.

"im sorry..." he looks down at his hands as he twiddled his thumbs. he reminded me of a little kid when their parents found out they ate the last cookie. he almost looked cute.

with anger boiling in me, i grab a vase containing flowers on his nightstand and throw it hastily against the wall across the room, shattering it into little pieces. "bullshit!" i scream, stomping my foot. " 'sorry' doesn't mean shit!"

then, in a calmer, condescending tone, "that vase is my heart. at first, it was empty. then meeting you filled me with flowers-- with happiness, and now? now there it is, in a million shards on the floor." i point to the broken glass.

i then turn to ashton, because it hurt to see his confused face trying to piece the puzzle together. "this fucker thought it was cool to kiss you while him and i had a 'thing' going on. i go to the hospital for something he did, which, may i say, i didn't press charges, and i should've, and he repays me by kissing you."

"what? l-luke, is that true?" ashtons wide, child-like eyes turn to the boy beside him.

luke nods, still intent on staring at his damn hands.

"fucking talk, you piece of shit!" i stand right in front of luke, looking down at him. i then soften my tone, "please explain to me, to both of us, why this is happening. im struggling to understand this. i thought you liked m-"

thats it. thats all that i can manage to say before everything within me collapses. i cant breathe as tears flow endlessly and broken sobs escape my parted lips. i bend down holding my legs in my arms as i rock back and forth, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing. i find myself screaming. im screaming and its a relief and i feel such a release and my throat is starting to feel so raw and soon i realise im screaming out only one word, over and over. whywhywhywhywhywhy.

i feel arms wrap around me and i immediately know its ashton. i melt into his touch as i lean on his broad chest, hiccuping.

"shh, shh. come on, we're leaving, michael." he rubbed my back as i felt liquid drip onto my scalp. his tears, most likely.

i look up to luke, the hurt evident in my eyes.

"please wait," luke stops us. "okay, okay, i'll explain. please just stay. both of you." he puts his arms up.

"why should we?" ashton pipes up this time, anger evident in his voice.

"please, just do." luke pleads, "please."

i give ashton a look and he nods. i sit down at the edge of the bed. "Five minutes is all you have."

"alright" luke lets out a stream of air through pursed lips, "so, i was being stupid, and while you were in the hospital, i saw ashton and --"

"used me," ashton interjects. "just because michael wasn't here, i was a replacement, just to be thrown out when he came back."


"so then you were replacing me?" i point to myself.


"shut up, im done here. are you coming?" ashton looks down at me. i nod. i was done with everything.

without another word, ashton and i walk out of the apartment without a second glance at luke. outside of the door i turn to the hazel-eyed boy, "im sorry."

"dont be."

"but i am," i wrap a lazy arm around the taller boy, embracing him.

a familiar buzzing is felt in my back pocket, and i grab my phone, checking my texts.

from: calum

i swiftly tap back a response,

to: calum
you were right



SOORRYY I HAVENT UPDATED IN 83638284 years sorry

hope you liked it :))

-rhayne is cool

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