Chapter 10

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Michaels POV

I stumble into the older boys apartment, not caring about the fact he didnt invite me inside.

I quickly shut the door behind me, then turn to face Luke.

My beautiful boy looks back at me, his eyes bloodshot, and his irises more of a dull gray than the sparkling blue I adore.

I slowly take in his image, scanning his body. I stop to stare at his forearm.

"L-Luke, no. Please, dont let this be what i think..." I gently pick up the limb in my small fingers. Multiple maroon-colored cuts were aligned, one after the other on his wrist. And as if to finish it off, a long slash stretched from his inner wrist to his inner elbow diagonally. Some were still leaking the dark red liquid, but most of them were beginning to scab over.

I see a miniature droplet of water fall onto his arm, realizing it was my tears. Or his, I couldn't tell.

I look up at Luke,the pain obvious in my eyes.

"You h-hate me. I-im disgusting and gross and I dont know why you led me on Mikey if you were straight why didnt you just tell me you had a girlfriend and-and and..." Luke rambles in one run-on sentence as he hangs his head down.

"Baby, shh," I rub his lower back with the hand not holding his arm, leading him to the couch, sitting him on the velvety seat.

Luke rubs at his swollen eyes hard as I wrap my arm around his shoulders, embracing him.

"Listen, listen. That witch is not my girlfriend. She..she's some girl who's been obsessed with me for like, three years now. I hate her," I explain, whispering into Lukes ear.

Luke lifts his head to meet my eyes, "What? N-no, but she kissed you."

"Uh, yeah." I roll my eyes, "But it was against my will."

The taller boy sighs as he slumps limply against my skinny chest. "A-are you serious? God, im such an idiot... you probably think im some guy who obsesses over any person who seems to show any interest in them. I hate myself, oh my god." Another stray tear streams down his cheek.

I lift Lukes chin so he could look at me. So he knew I meant what I was about to say: "Hey, dont hate yourself. Because... I like you. And.. I dont know. I dont like you hating yourself," I gently press my lips against Lukes, playing with his hair in the process.

After a few seconds, I pull away, "Do you have Band-Aids?"

Luke furrows his eyebrows together in confusion, "Yeah.. uh. Why?"

I gesture slightly to the wounds on his arm and he looks down, embarrassed.

"Where?" I ask, rising up from the couch.

After telling me where I could find the bandages, I enter the bathroom. I bend down, searching beneath the sink for the box of first aid when the glint of a silver object catches my eye atop the bathroom counter.

I stand up slowly, not sure if it was what I thought it was.

It was a razor. I gingerly pick it up and don't even take another second looking at the horrid object before tossing it into the toilet and flushing it immediately. I couldn't leave it here, threatening to hurt my Lukey again.

Once I locate the Band-Aids, I bring the whole box into the living room. I smile faintly at the boy sitting innocently, playing with his fingers.

I gently sit next to Luke, my body turned toward him as I grabbed his forearm. I take my time opening each bandage and applying it to his wounds, careful not to hurt him.

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