Story 2.6 Stressed

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Ming Yu arrived at his apartment riding Wei Yan's car. He frightened him by the sudden call in the middle of the night telling him to pick him up and when he heard him explain what happened, the slightly bulky man's sensitive heart dropped.

Ming Yu was still soaking wet but he could care less about himself heading straight onto his bed in a trance. His sister wasn't home but that's the least of his concern.

"Admin. . ."

------------Admin is online.

"What was that. . ."

[Admin:??? what was what?]

This juggled his memory that the Admin left before it happened and really didnt know what he was talking about.

"Admin. . . Tingxiao. . . is Li Jun?" he asked unsure and in disbelief.

[Admin: No way~ Author. I know you miss him so much but this is pretty much another world you know?]

"No. Admin. . . im being serious." If Admin could talk his tone of voice would sound playful taking his words lightly.

"Tingxiao. . . he called me by my name."

[Admin: !!?]

"He's Li Jun."

That look in his eyes. . .the warmth of his hands and his habit of brushing his neck where the mole under his ear was supposed to be.

He couldn't believe it. But it was all too familiar he was sure of it.

But how?

His brain was working overdrive and a light bulb finally lit inside his head shifting his body up from shock heavily struck by realization.


[Admin: Eh?]

"These worlds. . . were recreated from my novels. Could it be. . ."

[Admin: ???]

"Is it possible that the people from this world. . .were the same characters from the first but altered?"

Right. Like a role-playing game.

It was reasonable. Would the system's higher ups really spend so much time in creating new souls for each character just for his novel's purpose?

He could only make sense of it this way. If Tingxiao was the Li Jun of the past, but with his memories were erased and his personality altered. . .

"Admin. . . is this possible?" he asked full of expectation in his heart.

[Admin: it is possible.]

[Admin: Uhh. . . following that pattern. The reason why he remembered you could be because of my interference. .  ]

[Admin: Oh no. . . im in trouble! AH!]

Its possible, Like a glitch or a bug. No, it can only be explained this way.

Ming Yu was now full of hope and expectations. Maybe he was happy too soon. It might only be his wishful thinking and he had some doubts in his heart, scared that maybe he's only deluding himself.

He needed to see him. He needed to make sure.

If it was Li Jun.

If it really was him.

He couldn't help but silently cry again.

[Admin: Uhh. . .]

[Admin: Ming Yu I need to leave again *sweats]

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