Story 2 Extra-Skits

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*Xu Anru Vs. Jang Biqing Vs. Ming Yu*

Xu Anru: Slut! you dare show up here!?

Jang Biqing: Mmn~ Im after that testosterone six-packed rich man so you can f*ck off. He doesn't want you.

Ming Yu: . . . two-faced golddigger, You're too shameless.

Xu Anru: You useless man! Give me back Tingxiao!!!

Ming Yu: He was mine before you came.

Xu Anru: He was mine before you came to this timeline!

Ming Yu: It was you who dumped him.

Xu Anru: That-

Ming Yu: Did he ever touched you? Did he take you to bed?

Xu Anru: No but that's-

Ming Yu: You don't even know what he likes to do when we f*ck. He likes ramming his **** and sucking my **** and when he **** -

Feng Tingxiao: My wife is fierce. I fell in love all over again. -thumbs up

Feng Zhenhao: COULD YOU PLEASE STOP!? (*/u\*)

[Admin: (*/u\*)]

Xu Anru: . . . p-positions? which are those?

Jang Biqing: "..."

Ming Yu: really now. . .ヽ(ー_ー )ノ

-*-*-*-*-*-*-* lol

*Admin's special chatroom*

[Admin: Author's author, can you give me more screen time in the third book?]

Me: Mmn. . . I'll let you fill in most of the first two or so chapters.

[Admin: Uhh. . . this makes happy but, what's the catch?]

Me: Look forward to it. Im sorry.


Me: "..." (´・ᴗ・ ' )

Me: "Im sorry." (´・ᴗ・ ' )

----------------Me is offline.

[Admin: "..."]

[Admin: Can I fire myself out of the casting list? (¯∇¯٥)]

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* lol

*Meeting Feng Mother*

Feng Mother: Im glad that there's finally a new addition to the family.

Jang Xin: I never knew Ting had such a pretty mother.

Actually I thought that you were long dead. R.I.P (゜-゜)

[Admin: Author. . . don't get used to the past plotline. *sweats*]

Feng Mother: You really ruined my plans though~♡

Jang Xin: Plans?

Did he do something wrong?

Feng Mother: Mmn. I was about to drug him and throw him into some random woman's arms to make sure his **** was healthy and working.

Jang Xin: "..."

[Admin: "..."]

Feng Mother: I thought he was impotent and it was the reason why he never had a relationship. When I married my husband, it was me who took the initiative and force- *cough dragged him into marriage with me hoho~♡

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