Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:A familiar place

Time check august 3 20XX

You find yourself unconscious,for a little while

(Y/n):"wha.."after a good minute trying to see where you are you find yourself lying down the beach...alone...until you notice something you felt like the gravity was kind of reduced, not only that, but you saw your reflection in the water and saw a different person. Instead of your red hair and silver eyes you were amazed because you have white hair and some sapphire colored eyes. After checking your new look,you heard an explosion.

(Y/n):"Woah what was that" you quickly ran to check it out. You saw four girls being strangled by wires from the looks of it. One girl was laughing hysterically and looked like an adult with pale violet skin and had a gothic lolita witch clothes. You thought that you were in the videogame you were currently playing. You thought of having a red weapon that can turn from a gun to a sword and also to a lightsaber

 You thought of having a red weapon that can turn from a gun to a sword and also to a lightsaber

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After a few minutes you realized that you materialized it and you were holding it now.
(Y/n):"I knew it"you then charged at the place of the commotion."hey ugly let them go!"you charged at herand she got scraped by the blade form of the weapon you now called akashura (kanfi of red and devil)

???:"who are you and why are you here." You did not respond and just shot out bullets from the gun form. The girls that were strangled are now encased in a glass pyramid with a red crystal on the peak. One of the girls caught your attention and was making you speechless from her beauty.

???:"hey,you have to run away boy" the girl with purple hair said as she was worried that a life of a citizen is now on danger.

(Y/n):"No can do miss." you then think of a transformed version of you then after a second you yelled "akagami!" You were covered on light blue colored data which surprised the girls in the glass structure.

???:"are you another cpu from another dimension or a cpu candidate here"the gothic girl said.
(Y/n):""heh you think I am one but im not because IM YOUR NIGHTMARE" you thought "yes i've wanted to say this for a while" waiting for her reaction you heard her mumble "what do you mean?" you just sighed and just replied "get ready to lose"


After some time of clashing of swords you finally made her be sent flying to the sky. "Guess thats it for her" you remembered the four girls that were in the structure.

(Y/n):"Dont worry ill get you girls outta there" you tried destroying the machine operating it but it didnt work. you saw the red crystal from the peak and shot it thinking its worth the shot.

(Y/n):"Looks like that did the trick"the glass structure disappeared and the wire as well.

You suddenly remembered what this place was called from the looks of it.

(y/n):"is this place r-18 island?" You heard a loud thud. You turned around and se the girls transform back to their normal form is what you call. "Guess I gotta take them with me..."

Chapter end

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