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"Hi, I didn't get to tell you my name properly. I'm Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Adrien gasped. "The Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"

"Yes. Seems like you know who I am?" Marinette asked, taking a seat right next to him.

"Well, yeah. My mom always go to your bakery," Adrien gushed on. "I've never really went there, but my Mom did tell me Tom and Sabine had a daughter."

"Yes, I ran into this amazing bakery. It's called the Dupain-Cheng Bakery. Two lovely couple runs it. They also have a daughter-"

It was then that Emilie stopped there. Adrien never really knew why his mother refused to tell him more about the girl, but if he had to, he would definitely find out himself.

"Well, that's nice. Now I think I know who," Marinette smiled. "Emilie Agreste? No wonder your name sounded familiar."

Adrien smiled. First day of school, and he already made a friend.

But then something ran into his mind.

"Stay away from Marinette...."

What was so bad about Marinette? She looked nice, and lived by everyone. Her bakery was, like the best in Paris. Maybe Chloe was just jealous?

"Hey Adrien-" As if on cue to ruin the moment Adrien was enjoying with Marinette, Chloe barged into their conversation.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, what is it with you?!" Chloe seemed to grit her teeth as she spoke. "I told you to leave Adrien alone. He doesn't need to talk to you!"

"How would you know?" Adrien blurted. He was so over this blonde girl telling Marinette to leave. "What if I do want to talk to her?"

"Ah, Adrien, it's not like that," Chloe waved her hands in front of her. "There's a reason I told you to stay away from her. She could be acting like a sweet girl, but the next minute she gets you to like her, she turns into a devil!"

"Chloe!" Marinette snapped. "You dare to tell the new boy this?!"

"I can say anything I want, Marinette. I am the daughter of the Mayor!" Coe smirked, making Adrien got wide-eyed on her.

"The daughter of the Mayor?"

Chloe nodded with a smirk, seeing as she got Adrien's attention now.

Adrien turned back his own way, staring at his blank page of notebook. He had heard of the daughter of the Mayor. The Mayor that worked his family hard!

Suddenly he had never hated Coe more. Was all her family pricks?!

"What is it?" Marinette could obviously see how his face had sudden changed.

"Marinette, can't you see he doesn't want to talk to you?!" Chloe yelled. "He obviously wants to talk to me as he's heard that I am the daughter of the Mayor. Mayor Bourgeois!"

Mayor Bourgeois it is, huh...

Another ring from the bell sounded. Adrien wasn't entirely used to the bells ringing so loudly, as that never happened at home.

He got up from his seat and turned to the girls. "Which class do we have next?"

"Silly, school is over for the day." Marinette giggled as she took her bag.

"Marinette, don't make fun if him because he doesn't know!" Chloe yelled. "How can you be so heartless?! Don't worry, Adrien. You have me. Let me walk you home, okay?"

"No thanks." Adrien started walking away from the both of them.

"Great, you scared him away!" Chloe yelled, pointing an accusing ginger at Marinette. "Maybe next time, don't talk to him. That way he can actually like this school!"

Marinette frowned as she watched Chloe run to catch up to Adrien. What was wrong with her, honestly? Always barging into other's business.

Rolling her eyes, Marinette walked out of the class, her bag slung over her shoulder.


"Mom, I'm home..." Adrien waited.


Of course he knew his mom was not home. After all she was at her work. He had just hoped that may be she had been bluffing, or felt had for him, and decided to stay home this time.

Sighing, Adrien threw his bag on his bed. He knew exactly what to do now as no one but him was home.

He walked up to his mother's room, and tried to open it, only to find it locked.

Ugh! Mom must have known I would snoop around to find out more about the curse, so she locked her room. What am I going to do now?

Then he heard the door bell rings and went to it. Opening the door, he gasped, surprised at who was there.


"Aww, I'm glad you remember me," Chloe laughed.

Adrien rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I swear you not too long ago. How could I forget? What are you doing here?"

It was then he realized the box Chloe was holding. She handed it to him.

"It's a pie," She said. "I really haven't seen you around before, so I was thinking you just moved here. I can show you around if you want."

"I've been living here for 2 years," Adrien frowned as he handed the box back. "And even if I had moved here just now, I would never ask you to show me around."

And he shut the door in her face.

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