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What?! Why was he being so rude? I was only trying to be nice!

Chloe was about to leave when the door opened again. She turned around, wearing a huge smile. "Have you come out to apologize?"

"Apologize for what?" Adrien frowned. "I just wanted to ask if you had a girl's number, but seeing your attitude, who would even want to give you their number?!"

Chloe gritted her teeth. "Stop being so rude! Remember, I am the-"

"The daughter of the Mayor, yes we know," Adrien rolled his eyes. "You've said that a lot today. How many times do you say it a day?"

"That's it! Ugh!" Chloe ran down the stairs and raced out of there. "MY DADDY WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!!"

Returning home, Chloe pushed herself on her bed, waiting for her father to get home from an important meeting he had.

Her father always had meetings that she thought were stupid. Why not spend some time with her?!

She huffed as she remembered the new boy's words. Why was he being so rude? Was it because she told him to stay away from Marinette?

But Marinette was horrible. Whenever there were new students, she would always be the first to catch their eyes, but now Marinette seemed to be the one.

Everyone wanted to be her friend, it made her annoyed and angry.

"Everyone should he giving me all the attention, not Mari-trash! Ugh! She makes me so annoyed!"

Chloe fell down on her bed once again after she jumped on it.

Marinette is obviously trying to steal Adrien. I can't let that happen.

She was deep in thought now as she heard the front door opened.

If I manage to get Adrien to be with me, I'll be more popular, being the first to get a boyfriend. Marinette would be upset, jealous even. Ha! I can do this!


Adrien sighed when he heard the door open. His mom walked inside his room but he made no movement to look up at her.

"Come on, Adrien, don't be like that?" Emilie took a seat next to him. "How was your first day of school?"

"I don't know," Adrien let down his book, finally looking back at his mother. "The only good part was this girl-"

"WHAT?!" Emilie frowned. "Impossible Adrien. You can't already have a crush, do you?"

Adrien frowned. "Well, not yet! The girl, as j was saying, her name is Marinette Dupain-"

"WHAT?!" Emilie stood up from the bed. My luck must be so bad. I can't have Adrien fall for this girl, things will go very bad. Ugh! Maybe I shouldn't have sent him to school at all.

"What is it?" Adrien was confused, then he rolled his eyes. "Or is it that you can't tell me?"

"Adrien, you wouldn't understand. You would obviously think it's a joke," Emilie headed for the door. "It's important that you listen and not try anything."

Adrien watched as his mom walked away. You were smart to lock your room, but next time you won't be so lucky.

He was sounding like a bad boy, but at the same time she didn't really care. He wanted to know what his mom was hiding, why everyone decided to leave them.

He was going to find out!


Emilie could feel her son's eyes on her. She left the room with guilt and headed to the door, in which the door bell had rang.

She opened the door and was surprised to see who it was.

"Marinette, what are you doing here?" Seems like I'm really having bad luck. Good thing Adrien is upstairs so he won't see her.

"Hi," Marinette waved with her free hand. "I wanted to bring, uh, Adrien, something."

"What? Why?"

"He's a new boy at our school," Marinette shrugged. "Plus my mom insisted that I bring him something. Here, this is blueberry pie."

"I heard my name. What's going on?"

Emilie shut her eyes, hoping this wasn't true, but it was. Adrien had come down stairs and headed for the door.

"Hey, I'm glad you're here." Marinette handed the box to Adrien. "Um, enjoy." She then turned around and started walking away.

Emilie turned back to her son. The look on his face told her everything.

He already likes her...

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