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"I knew it! I knew it!" His mother pointed an accusing finger at him. "I checked my purse and my key was not in it. I knew you were finding a way to sneak into my room. Why must you, Adrien?!"

"Me?! It's not my fault!" Adrien urged, standing up. "If you had told me earlier! Do you know why I was so curious? Because I wanted to know so badly. I wanted to, and it's your fault for not telling Mr before I did it."

"Did it? Did what?" Emilie gasped. "Adrien, you told me... You told me you didn't... You didn't, no! Tell me you don't kiss her!"

"You know what?! I did! And I lied to you about it because I thought you hated her," Adrien yelled. "If you had told me from the beginning, then I would have understood better, but no, you didn't. And now, I've messed up."

Emilie sat down on her bed in total shock. "Why? Why did this have to happen to us?!"

"Mom, why have you being like this to Marinette? I.. I understand it's because you didn't want me to kiss her, but I have a feeling you have another reason."

"I don't hate her, Adrien," Emilie choked between sobs. "I just... I don't know what I've hen thinking. I thought if I kept you away from her, everything would end great for you. But I... I messed up, Adrien. I messed up!"

Adrien gulped. "Maybe I should really listened to you." But... Why is it that some part of me don't regret it. I still wanted to kiss her no matter what.

"Adrien, curiosity is a bad word in the Agreste family, because everyone is cursed with them." Emilie said, looking down. "If I had told you about the curse, you would have gotten curious, and tried it out to know if it was actually true. That's what your father did."

Adrien sighed. "You did mention the word curse to me once, but the reason I was searching in your room wasn't because of your curse.

"I just... I just wanted to know why Dad and Nathalie left, why you hated Marinette so much. I thought maybe Marinette was some part of the reason they left, but I kept finding that impossible. I mean, she's innocent."

They stood quiet for a while, before Adrien looked up again and asked. "What has Marinette got to do with this? How can she help us?"

"I... I honestly don't know." Emilie sighed. "I can't believe it. I can't believe I've been pushing and trying, and yet in the end you still kissed her."

Adrien backed away in guilt. "I don't know. I'll try to fix this, I promise!"

"Adrien, there's nothing you can do about it!" Emilie urged. "It's happened."

Adrien stepped away from the room still not believing that he was just finding out now. How was he going to face Marinette after this?


Ugh... So tired... What time is it?

He peaked with one eye and checked the time. It's still 1am? Wow, why did I wake up so early?

He sighed and climbed out of bed, but he realized he had jumped on all fours. His eyes widened and he looked at the mirror.

The curse is real! I'm a cat! I'm a cat! And a black one too.

He looked around him and tried to talk.

"Meow... Meow."

Wow, I even meow, but why can't I talk?

Adrien was full awake now. He tried to clam down, but he couldn't help but panic.

He stepped out of his bedroom and looked around the house, as if this was the first time he was here. Then as slowly as he could, he started heading down the stairs.

"Adrien, is that you?"

Adrien meowed again, which at fist frightened his mother, but then she called down.

She bent down and patted his head. "Don't worry Adrien, I'll get you out of this. I'll get all of us out of this curse."

The Curse Of The Black Cat (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now