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Again Marinette heard scratching at the door in the middle of the night. She opened the door and let the cat in.

"Oh, I thought you were never coming," Marinette hugged him. "You came so late today. What happened?"

Adrien was out of breath. First he had to find a way to escape his mom. He saw he was running late, so he decided to take a shorter path, only then he was chased by a dog. He never thought he would come across one, but it happened.

Marinette got the cat food that she had bought earlier. "I have good news!" She exclaimed. "Tiki, you can come out now."

Another cat approached Adrien. She walked around him, and then stopped, sitting down.

Tiki, the cat we bought together. So she really did buy her to make get me more company.

Marinette placed the cat food in front of the both of them. "My boyfriend and I got you a new company. How do you like her?"

Oh, she called me her boyfriend!...

Adrien nodded towards the cat. It looked a bit like Tiki nodded back, but he wasn't sure.

Soon Marinette sat down on her couch and pulled out a book to read. Adrien watched as she slowly fell asleep.


Emilie, on the other hand, was trying so hard. She went to the library and got out every books she could thank had the words cats or curse.

Every books she read had nothing to do with the cat curse. It was like it was a secret curse that only happened to the Agreste family.

Emilie sat and wondered if any other family had gotten it, but how would she know?

Sue sighed and thought back to the note. Marinette? Why her?! Was it because she was seeing Adrien? Nah. Maybe it's because she's the only girl that's ever gotten so close to Adrien.

Emilie tried to find all possibilities about Marinette, but so far she wasn't succeeding. She shook her head and stood up. Why sit and wonder, when you can walk and investigate?

It was a very bright Sunday morning. Emilie remembered that Adrien had gone to Marinette's bakery at night while he was in cat form.

She did think that Adrien was going there to try and kiss Marinette while in cat form, but everytime he came back the next and then at night he left again.

I don't even think Adrien is trying.

She walked to the bakery, the best place where Marinette and Adrien could be now.

And she was right. As soon as she opened the door and walked in, there was Adrien and Marinette.

"O-oh, hey Mom," Adrien just waved at her. Emilie didn't reply as her eyes turned to Marinette.

"Marinette dear, may I talk to you in private?" Emilie then smiled and walked up to the girl. Marinette nodded and followed her outside.

"How much do you want?!"

"What?" Marinette frowned when Emilie asked the question.

"How much do you want? I'll give it to you!" Emilie repeated. "Just leave Adrien! You're distracting him!"

"No buts!" Emilie glared, folding her arms. "I'll give you money, as much as you want, I got them. So, is it a deal?"

"No!" Marinette glared back at her. "I don't want your money!"

"Then what do you want?!" Emilie asked again. "I'll give it to you. Anything!"

If Marinette stops hanging around Adrien, Adrien can keep coming to her as a cat at night. So that way, Marinette won't suspect anything, and Adrien can kiss her in cat form easily and the curse will he broken.

"I don't want anything for you!" Marinette looked upset now. "Why are you doing this?! Why do you hate me so much?!"

"I-i don't. I just want what's best for my son, and you're obviously in the way of that."

"Let Adrien decide for himself!" Marinette folded her arms. "If he says yes to you, then I'll just leave him alone, but if he says he doesn't agree with you, then I'm afraid I can't leave him."

"Argh!" Emilie mumbled. Why is this girl so stubborn?!

The Curse Of The Black Cat (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now