[5] the letter

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A/N: “Fireproof” by One Direction

This may sound stupid of me, but I need to rant about something.

I know I’m a little late on this, but today I found a link to a 5sos blog. Turns out, it was a page that listed all these reasons why 5sos were ‘bad people.’

It said things like: “they’re never energetic on stage, they think they’re too good for everyone, they’re always auto tuned” and all that crap. Then, this one girl claimed that she met them and said that they were rude.

She said that they didn’t seem to have time for her and that she felt like they were silently judging their fans.

The whole thing just made me really upset, I don’t know why.

I don’t believe any of it, but it still kills me inside to think of it as being true for even a second. You feel me?

Anyways, enjoy the update! xx


      “Do you think we should ask for help as we’re writing this? Like, maybe Ashton could help us write some lyrics down?” I asked Calum, and we were both leaning down. We were sitting on the floor, laying on our stomachs and we both had pencils in our hands.

      “I don’t know,” Calum replied, biting his lip. “I think we should try to write some lyrics ourselves since we’re done here.”

      “Okay,” I said back to him, not knowing what else to say. I couldn’t concentrate—Calum was laying really close to me. His shoulder was pressed against mine, and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

      “How about the next line is: ‘I admit I’m a bit of a victim in the worldwide system, too?

      “Okay,” I said again, not knowing what else to say. I felt like an idiot—I could barely manage to speak. Calum turned his head so that his eyes met mine, and were so close that our foreheads were nearly touching.

      “Are you alright, Luke?”

      Snap out if it. “U-Uh yeah.”

      Smooth. Way to show him you’re nervous.

      “Okay, good,” he smiled at me, “you just seemed a little tense.”

      “No, I’m fine.” I wasn’t sure if he believed me, but to be completely honest, I didn’t care if he believed me or not. I just needed to believe myself.

      “How are we going to decide on a catchy tune for this song?” Calum asked me, combing his fingers through his jet black hair.

      “I don’t think we should worry about it just yet,” I said back to him. “The lyrics are all that matter right now.”

      Calum didn’t say anything; he just bowed his head and rested it on his hands. I twirled my pencil in between my fingers, trying to come up with some more lyrics for the song.


      “Who wants to watch a movie?” I asked, trying to get the attention of my three bandmates. They were all sitting in the same room, yet nobody was communicating with each other. I decided to keep talking as soon as I realized that nobody was going to respond. “How about the Spongebob movie?”

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