[11] the discovery

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A/N: Hiiiiii! I can’t believe today is Thanksgiving! I love this day so much! I know that I just updated this, but like I’ve said many times before, this story is so fun to write! Okay I’m going to get on with the story!

SONG OF THE DAY: “The Heart Wants What It Wants” by Selena Gomez

QOTD: If you celebrate Thanksgiving, what’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?

AOTD: Stuffing!




            Calum suggested that I took a nap since he was convinced I was in pain, so I did. I didn’t want to take a nap, but I did it to avoid any more questions from him. Right now I just wish I could talk to him without having to make up excuses.

            I’ve been lying in bed now for about fifteen minutes; I have no notification to sleep. I also don’t have a clock near me, so I’m totally guessing that I’ve been laying here for fifteen minutes—perhaps more, perhaps less. I couldn’t see a thing, and it was getting extremely boring to sit in complete darkness all by myself.

            Unfortunately, I was all alone. Nobody came in to check on me—not once. The last I heard was that Michael and Ashton were going to continue working on their song, but I had no clue of what Calum was doing.

            I heard the sound of footsteps advancing towards me, so on instinct, I pretended to be asleep. I pulled the covers up to my chest, closing my eyes abruptly whenever I heard the door begin to creak open. Since my eyes were closed, I couldn’t tell who it was that was coming in.

            I then felt my bed sinking beside me, and the person had lied down alongside me. I felt a two arms wrapping around my waist, and from that action, I knew it was Calum who was beside me. He had a unique scent and a gentle touch that I was able to recognize.

            I could feel his eyes on me as I was lying there, but I didn’t acknowledge him. I felt him bury his face into the crook of my neck, his soft, slow breaths warming my neck. I heard faint noises escaping his lips; he must have been mumbling something. I felt him squeeze me a little bit tighter; it was almost as if he were to let go, he would lose me.

            “I’m sorry…” I heard him whisper against me, his voice quavering like he was crying a little. “I’m sorry for this.”

            I didn’t want to say anything since he was convinced that I was asleep, so I just decided to wait to see if he was going to continue. He didn’t say anything more, but he kept himself in the position he was laying in. His head was still resting in the area between my chin and collar bone, and his arms were still secured around me. I felt him remove one of his arms from around my waist, placing it on the side of my face instead. He gently ran his fingers along my features; stopping as soon as he got to my cheekbone.

            I wasn’t sure what he meant when he said he was sorry, but lately I haven’t been sure of anything Calum said or did. Calum is one of those people that act before thinking things through, and I suppose I’m like that on some levels as well. The only difference between the actions I choose to make and Calum’s actions are that mine don’t hurt anyone. Mine are actions aiming to please either myself or someone else, meanwhile, his are to upset himself or hurt someone else emotionally. Because of his uncensored words and actions, I don’t let myself fall into his traps that easily. I don’t allow myself to believe anything he says until he proves whatever it is to be true. So as of right now, I’m not going to accept his random apology that was most likely done out of pressure or guilt.

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