Chapter 1

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"I volunteer!" I shout. I volunteered so that I could get more attention. I am already beautiful, but that's not enough. I want the entire district to see how gorgeous I am. I smile my winning smile at the crowd as they cheer. Then a boy in my grade from the academy named Marvel volunteers. He's really ugly. I could easily kill him. I am really good at archery!
I don't get it. My parents are crying over me in the Justice Building, but I'll be back in like 2, weeks. Sometimes I wonder about them. Do they not think I'm going to win? God they're stupid. Glad I'm not.
I arrived to the capital in an hour because district 1 is so far it takes an entire hour to get there. Can you believe it? An entire hour! Anyway, tonight is the opening ceremonies. I meet my stylist named Tango. Him and the rest of his team tell me how gorgeous I am. I just reply with
"I know."
They don't need to do much to prep me because I am already perfect.
"Do you like the color pink?" Tango asks.
"Absolutely!" I reply. Pink is my favorite color. My walls, bed, and almost all my clothes are pink. The color is just so pretty! Anyway, I am dressed in a glittery pink dress with a giant pink feather hat. Then they throw glitter all over me, and apply pink makeup. I squeal when I look in the mirror. I am so gorgeous!
"Thank you!" I squeal.
"You are very welcome Glimmer!" Tango replies. I twirl around looking in the mirror so much that I feel sick. I run to the garbage can and throw up. When I feel better, I return. There is still a very long time until the opening ceremonies, so I sit on a couch and watch the other reapings. I start with my own. I watch my beautiful self walk towards the stage. Then ugly Marvel (who should always be at least 10 feet away from me) walks up. I gag because of how disgusting he is. Then district two pops up. A short girl volunteers. She won't last a minute. Then when a boy volunteers, I almost faint. He is the most beautiful person (besides myself) I had ever seen. I originally volunteered to get boys attention, but forget them. I want him. He says that his name is Cato. What a gorgeous name. He is perfect for me. I will find a way for both Cato and I to get out of the arena. I will see him tonight. I will use my Glimmer charm to steal is heart. I'll make sure he's mine.

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