Chapter 7

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"So, what do you think?" Tango asks. I gaze into the mirror and gasp.
"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" I exclaimed. I stare back at myself dressed in a gorgeous pink dress that looks and feels AMAZING! I have pink lipgloss on my lips, blush on my cheeks, mascara coating my eyelashes, and pink, glittery eyeshadow on my eyelids.
    "I knew you'd like it."
I twirl around in front of the mirror, admiring myself, when Cashmere and Gloss burst into the room.
"Glimmer!" Cheers Cashmere. "You look gorgeous girl!"
I smile.
"Thanks Cashmere!" I reply.
"I have incredible news. You know that cute boy from district 2?" We talked to his mentors, and you two are going to have a pretend relationship to get sponsors." Cashmere exclaims.
"Wh...what?!" I gasp. Did God just answer my prayers?
Then I feel myself pass out and hit the ground with a thud.


"That blond idiot?! I ask in disbelief.
"I know you don't want to, but just think of how many sponsors you'll earn!" Brutus says.
"Do I really need sponsors? I'll win either way." I state.
"I wouldn't say that if I were you Cato. I went into the arena myself, and it's not as easy as your expecting." Brutus replies. I sigh, and stomp out of the room. How was I supposed to tell Clove? "Hey I'm gonna have a fake relationship with this girl for the rest of one of our lives, but don't worry, I still choose you."? Yeah, I didn't think so.
As I'm walking away, I hear Clove's door slam. Crap. She heard.


Some guy tells me I am going first for the interviews. He takes me to the spot I stay at until my name is called.
"Our first tribute we will be interviewing is a girl from district 1 who goes by the name of Glimmer!" Caesar Flickerman announces. The audience goes crazy.
    "Let's see if she does indeed shine, ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm round of applause for Glimmer!"
     I begin strutting onto the stage, waving and smiling at the crowd.
    "My my that is quite some outfit!" Says
      "Yes, and it feels good too!" I bubble.
     "It does? Let me see." Says Caesar. He touches my dress.
     "Bad!" I giggle.
       "Oh you mean it feels good on you? Bad boy! Bad boy! Slap my hand."
     I playfully slap Caesar's hand.
     "Do it again."
     I do as he says.
     "So Glimmer, are you ready?" He asks.
     "Yes Caesar, I am." I reply.
     "So sure of herself. I like that! It's what it takes to win, doesn't it folks?" Caesar states. The crowd cheers.
     "So, what got you that spectacular 9 in training?" He asks
     "Well, I am very good at archery, but I'm also great with knives!" I answer.
     "Amazing! Well Glimmer, I have one last question for you tonight." Says Caesar.
     "Ask away!" I say with pride.
      "With such a beautiful face and personality like yours, is there a special boy back home?"
     "Actually, there isn't." As I say this, the crowd gasps. "But there is a special someone going into the games with me, and you'll find out who that is soon enough." I announced.
    Right as I say this, the buzzer goes off, and it is no longer my turn. The crowd is still cheering for me like crazy.
     "I wish the best of luck to you, Glimmer." Caesar says, queuing me to leave. I shake his hand, then I strut of stage.
     "Glimmer!" Cashmere cheers. "You did amazing!"
     "I know!" I giggle.
     "I think someone might be looking at you." Cashmere whispers. I look to see Cato staring at me. My heart begins speeding up. I smile, and he smiles back. Then he looks down at Clove who is glaring at him. His smile immediately fades. She says something like "So much for being fake." Or something like that. Then it's Clove's turn for her interview.


I'm so stupid. Why did I smile back? What's happening to me? I can't like her. I don't like her. I will never like her! Not only that, but I lost Clove's trust right before the games.
The peacekeeper leads me to the side of the stage, preparing me to enter.
"Our next tribute is another volunteer from district 2!" Caesar states. The audience cheers.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Cato to the stage!"
I begin to make my way over to Caesar, waving at the crowd.
"So, you're here by choice." Caesar says.
"Yeah." I respond.
"I mean, these are the greatest games ever invented, and I just wanna be here to win it. I think it's awesome, and it's something I've always wanted to do since I was a kid. And I think anybody who doesn't want to do it is an idiot." I answer. Caesar begins laughing.
"It's just amazing." I add.
"Oh I wouldn't go that far!" Says Caesar.
"I'll go farther than that. IT'S THE HUNGER GAMES!" I shout. The audience goes wild, erupting into cheers.
"So Cato, got your eye on any special girl?" He asks.
"Well, that Glimmer from district 1 isn't too bad." I answer. I can feel Clove glaring at the screen.
"She is a lovely young lady." He responds "So, how did you get that magnificent 10 in training?" Caesar asks.
"Swords and spears." I reply.
"Amazing." Caesar whispers. Then the buzzer goes off.
"Well, good luck to you Cato!" Caesar says dismissing me.


I'm on cloud nine. Cato said I'm not too bad! I'm now in my room deciding whether to choose strawberry or raspberry for my frosting. Hmm... I guess strawberry.
    An hour later, I climb into bed and fall asleep.

If Glimmer won the Hunger Games Where stories live. Discover now