Chapter 8

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     It's the morning of the Hunger Games. I throw on some clothes, and head out to the dining room for breakfast. Clove is already eating, but when she sees me she immediately gets up to walk to her room. Before she can walk by me, I put my arm, out blocking her.
     "You know the Glimmer thing is fake! You can still trust me!" I plead. Clove pushes me out of the way, face turning red.
     "I don't want to talk." She mumbled when walking by. Then, she enters her room and the door slams.


     Sure it's not fake. If he really wanted sponsors why couldn't he just tell the truth and chose me! He gave me a PROMISE ring before our reaping. He said he promised that no matter what happened, we would be together in the end. It was going to be my token in the arena. I look down at the ring on my finger, thinking about him and Glimmer. I take it off, and angrily chuck it and the floor. Then I leave the room. Let the games begin, Cato. Let them begin.


"Oh Glimmer!" Cashmere sobs. "I don't know how I'm supposed to do this, but I must say goodbye. I know you will win, but I won't see you for about 3 weeks!"
"I'll miss you sooo much Cashmere!" I reply. Then a peacekeeper grabs my arm, telling me we would be leaving for the arena.
"Goodbye!" I shout to Cashmere as I board a hovercraft. The last thing I see before the door closes is Cashmere balling her eyes out.
The door opens once again. I pray for it to be Cato, but instead it's a very familiar ugly face.
"Marvel." I Mumble angrily. He is seated 5 away from me, and glares as he walks by.


"Arm!" A lady demands, extending her hand out. I do as she says, and she pulls out a gun thing.
"What's that?" I ask.
"Your tracker." She answers. Then she drills this thing into my arm, sending instant pain throughout my arm.
"Ouch!" I cry. The lady rolls her eyes and moves onto the next tribute.
The hovercraft begins rumbling, then begins to take off. I watch the capital disappear as we begin to fly through a forest.
     What seems to be a half hour later, I feel the hovercraft hit the ground, and we have arrived at the arena. We begin to exit down some stairs. When it's my turn to walk down the stairs, I slip and fall. Medics rush over to me and find a cut on my arm.
     "How m I suppose to go into the arena with this?" I ask.
     "It's just a little cut. We can clean it and bandage it up and you'll be fine." One of the medics reply.
    After I am bandaged up, I'm taken into a room with a glass tube. The door slams behind me, trapping me.
    "Glimmer!" Tango, my stylist, cheers. "Today is such an exciting day. You're going into the hunger games! I know you will win!"
     Tango then dresses me in a t shirt, this weird coat, some pants, and combat boots. Then he Fishtail braids my hair.
     "All tributes must now enter the tubes. 30 seconds remaining." A speaker blares.
     I hug Tango and thank him for everything.
     "See you soon!" I say. Then I get into the glass tube.


     Right before I get into the tube, my stylist slips something small into my hand. "I found it in your room." He says. I step inside, and the tube closes around me. I look down at my hand to see the promise ring. The one Cato gave me. The tube begins rising, so I stuff it into my pocket. Cato doesn't deserve to see me wear it. I don't want to wear it. I don't even need it. Just like I don't need him.

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