Chapter 20

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     "It's time to crown this year's victor! Are you ready?!" Caesar yells. The crowd responds with screams, cheers, and whoops.
     I stand up, and President Snow walks on stage. The crowd gets louder. He is holding a pillow thing that holds a crown. Then he puts the crown on my head.
     "Congratulations Glimmer." He says boringly. I smile.
     "Thank you!" I reply. Does this mean I'm a princess now? Because I have a crown? It it does that would be absolutely incredible!
     I smile and wave at the audience. Then Caesar grabs my hand.
     "Give it up for this year's victor, Glimmer Carnwell!" Caesar chants while raising my arm into the air as a sign of victory.
The lights dim, and I am escorted backstage. Cashmere runs over and hugs me.
"That was incredible!" She squealed. I smile.
"Now what? I ask.
"Tomorrow is your final interview, then we go home." She answers. Home... I guess it just sounds weird saying that. I get to see my mom and dad and my friends. Oh wait... I have no friends. I'm sure I'll make some when I go back to school. If I even go back to school.
We return to our room above the training area. I go to my room and belly flop on my bed. It's been so long since I experienced actual comfort. I lay in that position until Cashmere tells me to shower and go to bed.
After my shower, I climb under the covers and snuggle my head into the pillow. Then I begin to have a dream. I'm in the arena and the puppies are chasing me I climb onto the cornucopia, followed by Marvel. We fight until he stabs me and throws me off the cornucopia. I spit out blood once I hit the ground. The puppies begin biting me.
"Stop it puppies!" I command. They all immediately stop.
"Sit!" I say. They all sit.
"Now roll over!" I command. They all roll over.
"Attack Marvel!" I yell and point up at the cornucopia. They all form a puppy pyramid, and a few jump on top. They throw Marvel off, and they rest of the puppies pounce on top of him. Marvel screams as the biggest puppy rips his face off.

Wow. That was a great dream! I got to watch Marvel die again! What could possibly be more incredible then that?
Cashmere barges through my door.
"Good morning Glimmer!" She cheers
"Good morning Cashmere. I had a great dream!" I reply.
"Really? What was it about?" She asks.
"I got to watch freak-o Marvel die again!" I cheer.
     "Wow that's great!" Replies Cashmere.   "Today is your final interview, then back to district 1 we go!"
     I get out of my bed and put on black skinny jeans with a pink crop top. Then I straighten my hair, and put on my makeup.
     When I head out to my kitchen, I almost pass out. Marvel is sitting on one of the bar stools glaring at me. Then he turns transparent, and gives me an evil glare. I had to be hallucinating! I rub my eyes, and he disappears. How did that happen... is there a reason I can see him? Is he a ghost now? What if Marvel plans on haunting me the rest of my life?

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