Chapter 15

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I would make them pay. Thresh for calling Noah over and telling him to kill Clove, and Noah for shooting Clove. I have the rocket launcher to do it.
Glimmer, the biggest idiot alive, would not stop bothering me. She always want to talk, but . no time to talk. There's only time for revenge.
We walk through the forest for about 2 and a half hours before I find a tent.
"Shhh!" I hush the annoying Glimmer. I hear them taking inside.
"Do you think he's coming after us?" Noah asks.
"I don't know. He seemed pretty sad over Clove's death. But she deserved it." Thresh replies. That's all I needed to hear to press the trigger. The rocket makes its way to the tent. When it makes contact, there is a huge explosion. I hear who I believe is Noah screaming. Then I hear one cannon. After a minute, I still haven't heard another cannon.
"Stay here Glimmer." I demand. She listens. As I make my way over to the tent, I see a dark figure army crawling out. Thresh. I noticed one of his legs got blown off. I pounce on top of him and pin the guy to the ground. I pull out one of Clove's knives that I took from her body after she died. His eyes widen in fear. I grit my teeth and glare at him.
"Do you know who's this is?!" I yell. He gulps.
"Clove's" He replies. "I had to avenge Rue. For my district." He says.
"And now I'm avenging Clove, the only love of my life. She was the only thing that could make me truly happy, and you took her away from me..." I reply. "And that's gonna have to cost you your life."
Thresh closes his eyes, and I begin stabbing him until his cannon fires.
I walk back to Glimmer.
"Let's go." I growl.
"Aren't you glad we finally have each other to ourselves? No more Clove or Marvel barging in and ruining everything." Glimmer says.
"Are you serious? I'm pretty damn sure you saw me crying over Cloves death not too long ago. And didn't I just avenge her death?" I shout.
"Well yeah, but wouldn't you rather have me? I have everything Clove didn't." Glimmer asks.
"You really don't understand do you? Clove WAS my everything! Since we were little, we were always together. And now she's dead. The love of my life is dead!" I answer. Glimmer laughs
"You're kidding right?!" She says.
"No, I'm not. After the reaping I told her we would be together in the end, dead or alive. And you're just trying to take me away from my soulmate. And I think it's time that we reunite." I say. Then I pull out my knife. Glimmer gasps.
"Cato! Don't!" She cries. "I love you and I know you secretly love me back!" I roll my eyes.
"It's my time to go. Win the games Glimmer. Do it for your district. I'll be cheering you on from above." I say. I hold the blade up to my heart.
"I'm coming Clove." I whisper. Then I push the blade into my chest. I hit the ground with a thud, and a bright light filled my vision. Then my cannon fires.

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