Chapter 14

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And just like that, Cato's spring towards the cornucopia. He punches the glass protecting the rocket launcher, sending shards of glass everywhere. He grabs the gun with his bloody hand, but before he can grab the machine gun, a little figure runs back into the woods holding it. The boy from district 3.
But the feast isn't over yet. Another table rises to the surface with food and supplies scattered on it.
"Let's go." Clove says. But we're too late. The big boy from district 11, and his little district parter are already at the table. Clove gets up.
"Are you crazy?" I ask.
"Just a little." Clove replies.


I get close enough for my throwing range. It kills me to do this, but I have to kill the little girl. She's gonna die eventually, and I don't want her to suffer. I could kill her more easily than Thresh. It'll kill her fast if I throw the knife at the right place. I don't want her to suffer.
The blade leaves my hand just as Thresh turns his head.
"RUE!" He yells. But it's to late. The knife pierces her heart, at her cannon fires.
"I'm sorry." I whisper. The last thing I see before I run is Thresh crying over Rue. Then he yells something.
"NOAH!" He yells. I turn back around to see the boy from 3 with the machine gun pointed at me. My eyes go wide, and I begin sprinting.
"CLOVE! WATCH OUT!" Cato screams. But it's too late. I hear the gun begin shooting, and the next thing I know is I am on the ground, with a bullet inside me. I know I will die, and there is nothing anyone can do. I watch as Noah and Thresh make they're way back into the forest.
"I'm sorry Rue." I whisper.
"CLOVE!" Cato shouts. With the pain in his voice, I can tell he sees me on the ground. He finally reaches where I am dying, and kneels by my side.
"Cato... I'm dying." I whisper.
"Remember what I said? Together or not at all. We'll be together soon." Cato cries.
"Win..." I say.
"No, I need you." He replies, eyes full of tears. "I promise I'll avenge you. Then we'll be together very soon."
"That's my Cato." I say with a smile. I realize I am losing a lot of blood, and Cato notices too.
"I love you more than words can describe, Clove. And there's nobody I'd rather spent the rest of eternity with."
One of Cato's tears fall on my face, and I feel my life slipping away. But I manage to let out four final words.
"I love you Cato." I manage to whisper. I feel his lips plant a kiss on mine as soft as snow. Then the lights go out, and I smile knowing the last thing I ever saw was his face. I think I even hear my own cannon.


I smile. Boyfriend stealer is dead, and now I have Cato all to myself. I watch him kiss her one last time. Then Cato stands up and wipes tears from his eyes. He begins walking back to me with puffy red eyes. His face has a look of determination. He loads his rocket launcher.
"Let's go." He says coldly.
"Where?" I ask.
"We're going to avenge Clove."

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