Chapter 2

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The opening ceremonies are about to start. I frantically search the stable for Cato, when a girl bumps into me.
     "Hey watch where you're going!" I yell. I look at her. It's the short wimp girl from district 2.
      "Excuse me?" She spits back. Then Cato walks behind her.
     "Is something wrong Clove?" He asks. My eyes go wide. I slightly shake my head at Clove.
      "No, everything's alright." She answers. Then Cato walks away.
      "You're lucky you're a career, otherwise my answer would have been a lot different." Clove says.
     "Thanks! Sorry for yelling at you. I should be careful before yelling at a 12 year old." I reply. Clove's face turns bright red.
     "I'm 16." She mumbles angrily.
      "Oh! I'm so sorry. It's just that you're so short and..." I begin.
      "It's fine. Just no more mistakes or you'll be sorry." She threatens. I nod.
     "So we're teaming up right? Me, you, Cato, and Marvel?" I ask.
     "How do you know my district partner's name?" Clove asks. "And who's Marvel?"
      "Uhh I just heard it, and Marvel is the boy from my district." I answer.
     "I guess we are teaming up. I also got the girl from 4 named Maria to join us. The boy from 4 isn't a career." Clove responds.
      "Okay." I say.
    "ATTENTION TRIBUTES! GET IN YOUR CHARIOT. OPENING CEREMONIES START IN FIVE MINUTES!" A guy yells. I sigh and walk over to my cart. Before I climb up, Marvel extended his hand to help me up.
      "Uhh I don't like you. Quit flirting!" I spit.
     "I was just trying to help you up." Marvel mumbles. When our car begins moving, I don't get a good grip, and I fall off the back. I land hard on the cement. My head hurts really bad, and somebody runs over to help me. I open my eyes, and my heart almost stopped. It was Cato. The bad part was that Clove was right behind him.
"Are you alright?" Clove asks.
      "Yeah." I answer. They help me up and I climb back into the cart. We begin moving again. That was so embarrassing, like, I can't even! When I'm back in my cart, and begin moving towards the open doors. I smile a winning smile and wave to the crowd as we pass through the street. Then, the crowd begins going wild. It must be for me. I begin dancing because I know the crowd will love it.
"KATNISS!" They yell repeatedly. I guess they don't remember my name. Oh well! I continue dancing as the ride comes to the end. Then something catches my eye. Fire! On the people from district 12! When my cart comes to a stop, I run to find water. I find a bucket and run over to the moving line of chariots. I spot district 12 and make my way over there.
"GLIMMER! WATCH OUT!" Marvel yells. Then I see it. The large wheel of the chariot moments from crushing my beautiful body. Then something hits me, and the world goes black.

If you're wondering why I don't update often, It's because of all my activities going on right now. I have a lot of volleyball and track practice after school, and my weekends are busy as well. Please stay patient with me, and I will update as soon as I can! Oh, and stay tuned for the summer when school is over and I can write all the time! Enjoy the rest of the book!

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