Chapter 6

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Mom: hello officers, how can I help you?
Officer 1: Are you responsible for either of these girls?
Mom: yes officer I have a legal responsibility for both of them.
Officer 2: well ma'am I thought you should know we caught them vandalizing a few buildings in town.
Mom: thank you officer, for letting me know
Officers: you're welcome ma'am, there will be no charges filed against these ladies, but we wanted to make sure they were home safely.
Mom: well thank you again

The officers took off the handcuffs and left us with my very livid mother at the front door. I was about to say something when my mom walked over and smacked us right on the butt and told us to get our asses in a corner. We both complied because we knew we were in a lot of trouble and we didn't need to be in any more.

While I was in the corner I heard my mom call Em's parents and told them the situation and that she had it handled, then she called dad and explained it to him and the others. Boy were they all mad.

To be continued...

So we waited on the the corner for about two hours before the guys arrived home. By that time we were so scared and tired from just standing there and thinking about what was awaiting us.

The first person to be called over to the couch was me. I slowly walked towards them. As soon as I was within reach I was placed on the couch to sit. I was quite surprised that I was not over a lap yet. They told me to stay put as they went and brought Em next to me and sat her down.

We looked at each other with curiosity. Finally someone spoke, it was Brandon, he asked us to explain ourselves. Before we even opened our mouths my mom warned us that lying would only get us into more trouble than we were in. So we told them the entire story not leaving out a detail.

When we were finished talking, they told us to go to bed and that we would have a discussion about what we did and our punishments in the morning because it was really late on a school night. We hurried up to bed to get out of the clothes we were wearing and into night clothes. When we were done with our nighttime routine I saw the clock said 11:20 pm. We were about to get in bed when my parents came into the room. I guess we both had a confused look on our face because they explained why they were there.

We were grounded for 3 months and that included having our phones and other electronic devices taken away. The only thing was that we were allowed to have our phones and laptop at school, but we could only call and text them. They had passwords on everything other than the calls and messages on our phones. As for the laptops they were for school purposes only. They informed us that they were going to check it every afternoon along with if we had homework. Which wasn't exactly necessary since three of them worked at the school and were informed about all of our activities and assignments, but I really think that this was their way of making sure that we weren't hiding anything from them concerning our school work.

The next day

We woke up to the smell of eggs, bacon, sausage, and either waffles or pancakes we couldn't tell. We ran to our bathrooms and did our morning routines. We got dressed in our uniforms and headed downstairs for breakfast.

We arrived in the kitchen and made our plates. As we sat down at the table they started to stare at us. We looked at each other confused until we remembered that we were yet to be punished for our crimes (literally). We started shifting nervously in our seats as we finished our food and washed up all the dishes. Then returned to the living room where everyone was already waiting. They started to explain the rest of our punishments.

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