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"Thanks, uncle!"

I smiled and willfully walked onwards the gate of the school grounds. I have ridden onto my uncle's tricycle and the ride was good enough for me. I entered the white gate of the school together with my cousin who actually waited 'til I made myself ready for school.

I actually thought she went ahead but I have proven that my dear cousin, Rose, don't really leave me at times.

I was just right on time for I have heard the school bell sounded the moment I entered the gate of the school. I did not head to my room anymore since my classmates and the other students lined up for flag ceremony.


"Morning, Iris!" I greeted after my best friend greeted me and embraced me tight.

"Hey, Ali." Prim greeted and I smiled at her with a wave.

"Wow, you're not late. It's a miracle!" Azalea commented who popped from my back and gave me an up and down motion of her eyebrows with that grin of hers.

"Yeah. She's just lucky enough." I heard Dandelion stated that and then we lined for the beginning of the flag ceremony.


"Ali..." I heard my seatmate, Azalea, mentioned my name and I rolled my eyes on her.

"Do you believe in karma?" She then asked and I lifted an eyebrow upon her inquiry.

"Why do you ask?" I inquired back curious enough to hear a random question coming from her.

"Well, it's actually because I heard Tim uttered that word to Maze earlier after he  tripped on the papertree's uprooted roots during break time." I listened to Azalea and the thought of Tim and Maze entered my thoughts as Azalea narrated what she has witnessed before.

"Haha. That's a karma for calling me snout and teasing me today." Tim said after Maze tripped upon the uprooted root of the papertree.

"Karma? Stop it. It's an accident, OK." Maze said and brought himself up to his feet and continued his way to the room.

"Hey, Ali. Are you still listening?" Azalea was waving her palm over my face the moment I got out of the short imagination of mine and I grinned at her.

"I have just imagined what Tim and Maze reactions were. It's funny." I chuckled and Azalea followed after me then we continued eating our lunch.

"I heard that we will be having a project in World Religion, Ali." I heard Azalea spoke up after intaking a spoonful of her food.

"Huh?" I reacted and rolled my eyes to her whose sight is fixed on her food in the lunchbox.

"I don't know. I'm not sure yet. But I think I have heard Ma'am Lyra said it once yesterday." I pouted after Azalea's statement and sighed.

A project? Hm. I wonder what it will be.

I finished my food and went out of the room to head to the comfort room.

On my way, I met Iris who has just arrived for she goes home every lunch and only eat at school sometimes.

"Where are you going, Ali?"

"CR. Wait for me in the classroom. I'll be back after a few minutes." I told her and so Iris headed to our room and I headed to the comfort room.

I did my personal business and after I finished, I went to the sink and washed my face. I then reached for my handkerchief inside my pocket and I was taken aback the moment I touched my side pocket.

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