Chapter II: "WHISPER"

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"What was our assignment again?" Raylee asked me as we walked our way heading to the gate.

It's already the afternoon dismissal. Me and Iris are currently walking our way towards the gate when Raylee called from behind and asked her question.

I turned my head and so did Iris. Raylee was running her way to us and stopped when she reached us.

"Assignment? Do we actually have one?" Iris curled her hair with her finger as she pondered into her thought as seen from her facial expression.

"All I know is that we have some problems to answer in math. That's all. And also to remind you to prepare for tomorrow's recitation in Science." Iris stated and we continued trailing our way out of the white gate of the school.

After going out of it, I separated ways from Iris and Raylee. I walked my way and came across Azalea and Dandelion who were ahead of me but I finally caught up with them.

"Ali, having a good karma?" Azalea inquired out of the blue and I stared at her questioningly.

"Again with that?" I asked and put my gaze ahead on the road.

"Hm. I wonder what karma will I have today? It's quite intriguing, ya know. Despite us not being Hindus, I haven't realized that studying other religions might actually be beneficial." Azalea stated and pinched me unknowingly that I twitched and shot her an irritable stare.

Dandelion only grinned at us having our chatters and kept silent to herself and she put back her attention to her phone to which I have noticed that she has been looking at since before.

As we continued our walk, Azalea tripped upon a rock on our way that made me chuckle and Dandelion grinned once again and read something from her phone.

"Now, Azalea experienced karma." Dandelion said and glanced to us before continuing to read yet again.

"According here, karma is the chain that binds action and the fruits of action." I looked at Dandelion and, Azalea, regaining back her balance drew herself to Dandelion and spied her phone.

"You actually searched about it??" Azalea asked seemingly in disbelief.

"I am having an advance reading about the other things we are going to learn about Hinduism. Not to mention that even though Ma'am Lyra didn't remind us anything about the project, I'm sure she will tell us about it again tomorrow or the other day." Dandelion replied and turned her gaze directed to me and Azalea.

"OK. OK." I muttered before saying anything more.

"So what else does it say?" Azalea asked  with the brilliance of interest shining from her eyes.

"Well, it says that a life well lived brings rewards in the next incarnation. Being born of low degree, to suffering, poverty, and discrimination, supposedly is due to sins committed on previous lives." Dandelion read.

"The Hindus believe in incarnation?" I asked after Dandelion's reading.

"Yeah. It also states examples here that a foolish man is reborn as a monkey, a cunning one as a jackal, a greedy one as a cow. And conversely, an animal may rise to human status in stages or all at once if it has done the right deed." Dandelion read from his phone and I heard Azalea bursting a "Pfft!" beside me.

"So karma has something to do with whatever one might turn into after reincarnation? Like what a saying says that what one does today shapes his tomorrow. Same thought with, we reap what we sow. And what goes around comes around." Azalea stated.

"Uhm. It makes clear the logic of morality." I uttered and we stopped at the intersection.

I went my way separated from Azalea and Dandelion for they went to an opposite direction. I, on the other hand, will be heading to the market to buy something mom asked me to buy.

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