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"Hindus believe in one supreme God, Brahman, the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, immanent and transcendent God..." Azalea was memorizing beside me and she stopped the moment I stared at her.

"Have you memorized already?" She asked and I averted my gaze from her.

I'm still not feeling very well since yesterday because of losing the necklace and not yet finding it now. I don't want to be bothered by anyone. I only wanted to have a fine time with myself.

I unknowingly twitched after feeling a pinch on my waist. I turned my face and looked at Azalea who has her curious stare meeting mine not even affected that my stare is because she pinched me.

"The most sacred text of Hinduism is called the Vedas and is written in Sanskrit. The four Vedas are the Rig Veda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda,  and the Atharvaveda..." I heard Vair memorized as he entered the room.

"The million of god's in Hinduism are the different forms of Brahman which were sent to help people find the universal God." Azalea continued her memorizing beside me and didn't bother me anymore.

I, on the other hand, brought my head upon my wrapped arms on my armchair and closed my eyes.

Yesterday, during our World Religions class, Ma'am Lyra told us to recite for today a certain topic about Hinduism. That's why my classmates are busy memorizing their topics.


"Okay, class. Tomorrow, I want you to research a certain belief, culture, and history of Hinduism and share it to the class. You'll have an allotted one minute to share what you have researched in front."

"Ma'am, one minute?" Crimson asked.

"Yes. And it's your choice whatever you want to share tomorrow. You can choose about their gods, worships, the caste system and others." Ma'am Lyra replied.

"Like for example, the Triumvirate consists of three gods namely, Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer." Chela read from her notebook and confirmed it to Ma'am Lyra by gazing to her.

"You can cite more details about that tomorrow if that's what you have chosen, Chela." Ma'am Lyra said.


"Ma'am, is here!" Josh alarmed and everyone went in the room and sat to their respective seats.

Ma'am Lyra came in a few seconds after Josh's alarming shout.

"Alright, let's begin." Ma'am Lyra stated and brought the teacher's chair to the back part of the room in the middle isle.

"First up. Yohan." Ma'am Lyra called and Yohan stood and walked to the front.

He took a short, deep breath before he started speaking.

"Hinduism doesn't have any specific set of rules to follow. They are mostly henotheistic which means that they worship one supreme being, Brahman, but still recognizes other gods and goddesses. Also, they worship God in male and female form....." And Yohan continued until he finished after 42 seconds.

"Next, Niel." Ma'am Lyra called.

Niel made his way to the front and stood before us. He even made a shy smile before beginning to speak, thus, showing a pair of dimples from his chubby cheeks.

"The Vedic period is when the Vedas were  known. It lasted from 1500 bc to 500 bc. Veda means knowledge. The Vedas were written in Sanskrit and contains what Brahman revealed to the ancient sages orally and we're passed down in oral tradition as well because writing was prohibited during those times...." Niel stated making in between pauses at some parts of his spoken report and finished after 36 seconds.

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