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🎶The vastness of blue oceans
The sounds of the waves
Ending in collision to the shore
Sitting here under the sky of the earth
Nothing else but solemnness🎶

He has been singing and has repeated the same song again. It's already the second time he has sang the same song. And he is singing the chorus part of it.

🎶I lie awake down below the greater
I simply wish to be someone better than I am before
To be able to unite with you🎶

He began singing the second verse of the song and I was still entranced by his voice and music.

I continued listening until he finished yet again. He was silent for a few minutes not until I spoke up and I recognized how calm he was even after hearing me speak.

"What a nice song." I simply commented and he laid his guitar on his lap and turned his head to face me.

He was expressionless and I couldn't comprehend him the moment he faced me.

He only made a weak smile that is more like forced and unreal.

"You've been listening since before I even started." He said and I grew amazed of him knowing my presence since before.

"Yeah. I thought you wouldn't know." I said and he succeeded a reply right after.

"Because I'm blind?" He asked with a trace of melancholy from his voice.

"Not really. It's just that you're so caught up with your song and I felt it deep within. I didn't think you will recognize my presence because you were so much into your music." I replied and smiled lightly at him.

"I have felt your presence since the moment I sat on here. I just didn't show it. You may be unseen to me but I felt your presence." He said.

I have confirmed that he is indeed blind but he was able to get himself up here on the seawall not even tripping himself or stumbling down. At the same time, he plays a deep felt kind of music that reaches deep within someone else's. The way that it touched and moved me is something of essence in music.

"Did it reach you then?" He then asked me out of the blue and I fixed my gaze on him impressed by the question.

"Wait. Your music is something but I'm not saying that...." He cut me off before I even utter the words. "I don't mean anything like that either. I just really want to know if my music could indeed reach to someone. But I didn't mean to appear like impressing you." He said and turned to face the sea with a sigh.

"I wouldn't deny your music could reach to someone. I'm sure of it. So, I could tell, the person you wanted to reach by your music will definitely be reached." I stated and I saw him nodded and half smiled.

I turned my gaze on him and, by doing so, I caught sight of Lian, Chela, Jaila and Alex walking back to our direction and seems like its time to go home now.

"It's a great time hearing your song. Nice meeting you. I will be going now." I humbly uttered and stood up from where I sat and made my way down the stairway of the seawall.

When I finally stepped my foot on the sand down the seawall, I turned back to the stranger and saw him looking up the sky. I heard a rhythmic tapping of his fingers on his guitar and, finally, I decided to walk on onwards and met up with the four.

"Waited too long?" Lian asked upon their arrival and I only shook my head a 'no'.

"What's with you, Ali? You seem to be having trouble or something since yesterday. What is the matter?" Jaila asked portraying concern with her statement.

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