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Alienee's POV:

"Ouch!" I saw how Heather twitched on his place after I hit his shoulder with my hand.

"What now?" He inquired curiously and looked at me.

"You knew I was Ali all along and you didn't even told me? You even acted like you were so surprised to see me when you knew who I was all along." I pouted at him.

"Sorry. I didn't want to ruin your moment on missing Reef." He said. "Afterall, you seem to be missing him so much when you and him haven't been seeing each other."

"How can you say that? Of course, I can't deny that I somehow felt wanting to see him again but it's a different story when it comes to you, Heat." I said and he lifted his eyebrow and eyed me smiling.

"Really?" He asked.

"You're so mean. You don't know how much I missed you and you didn't even let me know it's you already. Mean Heat." I only said and climbed my way down the tree.

"Hey, wait!" He called out.

"At least I came back." He said and caught up with me.

"But, you know. I'm still not staying here." I was halted from walking and I turned to him who was already standing in front of me.

"What do you mean?" I inquired.

"Dad let me go back here but I'm not staying that long." He said. "I'll be here for four months and then I'll be going back to Germany to finish my study there."

"Hm. You came back and then you're going away again?" I said feeling sad of what I have heard from him.

He walked me inside the house and we sat at the living room again.

"Yeah. I wanted to stay longer but I have only a few weeks remaining then I'll be going back." He said.

"But you know, dad told me you could take your college there in Germany too. What do you think?" Heather asked.

"What?" I was not expecting it from him.

"It's an offer. There's a university there and we could take our college courses there. I have planned to tell it to your mom too." Heather said and looked to me.

"I don't think that's necessary." I said not believing what I have just heard.

"Well it's your choice. You still have two years to decide. But now, I could keep in touch with you. I'll give you my phone number and maybe we could chat each other?" He said.

"You're staying for only a few weeks left, right?" I asked and he replied with a nod.

"Then let's have fun together." I said.

"Sure?" He asked in confirmation.

"What do you think?" I said and smiled at him.

"Then you better be there." Heather said and ate his marshmallow that was still left.

I couldn't make him stay any longer. Heather will still go back to Germany.

I now know what I need to know. At least, I have gotten some answers. My quest in learning Hinduism and finally being founded by Heather has been done.

Life really is filled with unexpected things and events. We can't undo what's already done.

And also, I have learned that not all bad things that happen are so bad at all. The worst situations one could experience in life doesn't end there. It could actually be a beginning of something.

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