Chapter 2 - Skye

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My god life is boring, same shit different day really sums up my life now. I get in bed and fail at sleeping, I get up and sit at my computer all day and then I get back into bed. You know my life is pathetic when I get super excited just to see a new message from Circuit. What kind of name is Circuit? I promised I wouldn't look him up but damn I want to, he's the only human I interact with that I don't hate.

CircuitBreakerOneNine: What are your plans for today? It's another sunny day

StarrySkye: Well I figure I'd go running on the beach naked, then maybe some kickboxing and finally race my motorcycle. Just your usual boring day, you have anything special planned?

CircuitBreakerOneNine: Well, first me and my telescope are going to the beach, then I figure a shootout with my enemies and hey I might see you at the motorcycle race.

CircuitBreakerOneNine: So your day will be spent working on your computer and listening to music and mine working in the garage huh? Super exciting

StarrySkye: You know it.

I like that we can be sarcastic assholes together, he seems like a nice guy, we've been talking for a few weeks now and he hasn't pushed to find out if I'm hot, what I look like and he hasn't suggested meeting at a motel. Unlike most of the guys on that chat room. They just want dirty talk, Skype sex or to meet for a quickie which I assume would be awful anyway.

Circuit just wants to talk, whether it's pure sarcasm or about computers, I always smile when we talk, how pathetic am I? He's probably not really 22, he's probably pushing 50, weighs 400lbs and is cat fishing me for money or sex.

"Remember you have a doctors appointment this afternoon." My Mom says coming into my room with my breakfast.

"Oh boy oh boy the doctor." I fain enthusiasm by waving my arms

"Don't be a smart ass Skye." My mom rolls her eyes as she places the bowl of lucky charms in front of me before walking out.

CircuitBreakerOneNine: Your playlist is fucking weird

StarrySkye: Excuse me bitch?

CircuitBreakerOneNine: My Chemical Romance followed by Creedence Clearwater Revival and then Iron Maiden followed by Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

StarrySkye: Sounds pretty fucking good to me.

CircuitBreakerOneNine: If it was on shuffle maybe, but you put them in that order, it's just not right

StarrySkye: Mr Circuit are you hacking my computer to monitor my music and then bitching me out because of the peculiar order? If I want to scream out famous last words before running through the jungle and running to the hills followed by sitting under a bridge then I will.

CircuitBreakerOneNine: Maybe, hey at least I haven't hacked your webcam and mic to see what I assume is pretty awful dancing and hear what I imagine sounds like cats being strangled.

StarrySkye: I will have you know I dance like a graceful ballerina and I sing like an opera queen. But just in case there's tape over my webcam and my mic is unplugged, just in case that FBI agent is trying to watch me.

CircuitBreakerOneNine: No agent, just me.

What is wrong with me? I actually like this guy and he's a complete stranger from the internet. He could be a serial killer luring me to his den so he can dismember me and bury me in the woods.

CircuitBreakerOneNine: This is bad but now I'm picturing you as a bearded lady singing opera with the lower half of a ballerina.

StarrySkye: I'll have you know I trim my beard regularly.

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