Chapter One.

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Eli tapped the pencil on his desk as he looked at the clock again. He let out another heavy sigh that he still didn't have this document done yet. There was just always something on Eli's mind that he never wanted to turn in his first draft.

His dog dies, he leaves the filing off for later. 

A bee stings him and he has to go to the hospital, another day added. 

He put the pages in the envelope and then sat back in his chair. 

It was only three o'clock. He still had the night to himself and even though he double checked by his watch, he could conclude it was only two fifty eight to be exact. He pulled his sweater back over the watch and then heaved out another sigh. 

With one swift second, he was up and pushing the chair in. He went to his kitchen where he kept his keys, his wallet, and other things in that nature together in a bin. He grabbed his keys and then his wallet. 

With a small thought he remembered how much he had on his card before he gets the first round of money from the novel, and then headed out of the door locking it behind him. 

Sometimes (even though it is going against what he does ) he drives around and picks something out to do besides being cooped up in a house all day. 

He goes to the parks. He goes to the stores..buys nothing most of time. 

Though on days like this he wants to have fun. He needs to celebrate this victory of being an adult, although he has been one for quite some time now.

He pulled to his neighborhood movie theater and took his keys out of the ignition.

The decision you need to make on something so small is always something Eli  has to worry about. If you pick a romance, you end up being that one guy who is a big softie. If you go into an action movie by yourself other guys would call you a loser.

Maybe not to your face, but they would think you're a loser.

He gazed over the posters and then let out a long sorrowed sigh. As if a person heard him a distant voice filled his ears, "I see I am not the only one that comes to these types of things by myself."

Well of course not, whenever a girl comes to a theatre by herself no one catches a glimpse and if they do it's  only to get to know her. Though when Eli faced from the poster to her, his eyes went wide slightly and his Adams apple fell, "I am not by myself, you know. I'd rather soak up every detail of a movie on my own. That way no one can ruin it for me."

The girl flashed him a smile and then nodded, "right, because it's so annoying whenever someone speaks to you when it isn't the right time," she sassed at him as she goes to the line.

Eli followed right behind her and and couldn't help but press the top more to her. It seemed like she took that out of context.

"I didn't mean it like that," he rocked on his heels and then moved forward in line, "I only meant that I never fully enjoy a movie with a family member because of the reason of them talking or they know the books and obnoxiously tell me every detail."

She laughed and then to change the topic she asked, "so what are you watching tonight?"

"I always come to these places for surprises maybe whatever you ate watching," Eli never talks to women and he never has flirted fully though since he does find her wittiness attractive, he can't seem to at least try.

They move forward and the woman goes to the ticket stand, "one ticket to Faded Colors."

Eli furrowed his eyebrows and nodded as he remembered the trailers for the movie that is based on the novel. The movie trailer was okay but the novel wasn't unlike what they usually say. Drake Mansen was an enemy of his that he once cared for. That was until he stole Eli's idea. Faded Colors just has good plot twists that Eli made up but Drake made it seen like any ordinary sappy love story.

His New Infatuation◇Eli StevensonWhere stories live. Discover now