Chapter Eleven

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Elijah's mother sat across from him on the small rustic couch that once was in his old room. The seat is a simple loveseat but since it is the color scheme it goes well with the bigger couch. Her breathing wasn't rhythm with his and that drove him insane.

Her breaths were small and her face held that expression of worry. All she thought was that Elijah has had to much sorrow in his life. To many demons begging to come out of his closet and yet they stay there with all of his Christmas and Halloween decorations. The small bag labeled with the other brother's name. A name that he doesn't mention to many and she herself thinks she ought to never forget it either.

She remembered so many memories with her own sister and how her sister would come over at this exact house. Back when they were all a family of five. It went her sister first in 2013, she decided she better move back into the city. She got a manager job at a small cafe in Glendale and Jane hasn't heard of her ever since.

But there are many reasons why she left. Many reasons Jane never knew but Elijah did.

The touches of a soul Elijah never wanted to feel. A touch that went to far to the point of him shutting out everyone including his best friend. His brother. His only person he could ever tell.

But this wasn't what he was telling her. He was telling her about Madetlyn. How he might possibly love her. A love he never thought he could feel. A love that made time still.

A love that wanted to change and be better somehow. To want more than to feel such a pain in his heart after loosing everyone around him; his aunt, his father, and his brother to name a few.

"How could you be so sure, Eli?" Her voice sounded muffled in the distance as he tried to go back to reality of things and what he was truly talking about.

His throat became dry and he got up from the couch. His steps were small as he dipped down and got ahold of the wine glass. He walked to the kitchen and then dropped the glass in the sink.

"I just know," He murmured. He closed his eyes and pictured her last night. She wanted to know what was wrong with him and he was almost there to tell her. To tell her all of his secrets and wishes that he makes in the dark. But nothing came out as he more like ran away from her and the family. "Her family makes me feel wanted."

"How do you know that's what they are doing sweetheart?" Jane came into the kitchen now and her breathing subsided even more as a gasp escaped past her lips," Eli you're bleeding."

Elijah opened his eyes and sighed. He grabbed the roll of Scott towels and rapped his hand, "they aren't fake, mother. I know that's what they are meaning to do. Not everyone is out to get me or out to get you."

Jane sighed this time and then grabbed the oven mit as she took out the glass from the sink. "Not everyone is on your side. You should know that by now. You write about characters like that all the time. The ones that seem you can trust them but they end up being the bad guy in the end?"

"And how do you know all my characters now? You haven't read one of my books all the way through," his tone was full of hurt and a slur was mixed with anger as he made eye contact with her. His own emerald eyes were soaked through as the pain of the hand wasn't the only pain.

"You used to read to me and KKa- my sister. Your aunt."

"Yeah I remember."

He exited the room and sat back down. His hangover headache was already kicking in and he tried to think if he had any Excedrin.

A knock was at the door and a smaller one was followed just a few seconds later. Elijah looked at the kitchen and saw his mother was throwing away the glass.

He got up and went to the door.

"I just think it's to ear-" he heard and then saw the two people he didn't necessarily wanted to see. Madetlyn stopped talking in mid sentence. "Did we catch you at a bad time?"

Elijah put a smile on his face that he thought he couldn't have.Maybe it could be a good day for him. Oh if only Madetlyn can take away this pain. Somehow. With her smile, or with her laugh...

"Oh heavens no. You caught me at actually a great time," Elijah opened the door for them and Max peared inside.

"You promise we aren't intruding?" Max asked and out came Jane.

"Who are these wonderful people Elijah?" Jane asked her son as she saw the bowl that had tin foil on it. "what on earth did you kiddos even bring to us anyway?"

"A bowl of muffins ma'am. Blueberry of course," Max added," banana nut was in our pantry but I reminded her that you were allergic."

Madetlyn gave Elijah a small smile and Elijah gave one back. No one has ever been so thoughtful in remembering something like that.

"Sorry for not properly introducing ourselves," Max said and then he put his hand on his chest, "my name is Maxwell. This is my sister Madetlyn. Your son works for us at the cafe near here and he is so helpful. We wanted to show our gratitude and maybe invite you over for dinner at the Harper house sometime with your family."

"I'm afraid it's only us two though," Jane said and took the bowl. She placed it at the table and offered the seats to the two. They sat without any oblige and Elijah tried to breathe slowly as Madetlyn couldn't stop staring.

"Are you okay?" she whispered to Elijah. She saw it in his eyes. The sight she has seen in her father's eyes and sadly in hers before. "look it's not my place to tell you how to live your life but it is early and since it is....I don't want you to make such a habit of that."

Elijah picked up on what she was saying, "yeah I try to not drink to often."

Jane laughed out loud, "it seems like that's all you do whenever I get here. I say do you know any AA meetings he can attend. He has a deadline...maybe-"

"Mother!" Elijah rose his voice, "please not in front of the guests. The people who I told you about a few moments ago."

Jane's facial expression dropped.

"Actually we do. But it's not our place to tell you. We were offering our hospitality not our opinion," Max replied and Jane nodded. She found that this kid was very polite and very wise. No wonder Elijah did find a friend in him. His soul was old and Elijah liked that.

He also did like his liquor. Maybe if he went to one meeting. He nodded, "I'll think about going to one. But in the mean time thank you for the offer Maddi and Max. You guys are very kind."

Elijah thought that he almost didn't deserve them. 

His New Infatuation◇Eli StevensonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin