Chapter Four

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It wasn't until four o'clock when Jane dropped off Elijah. He decided to just put away the perishable foods then put the rest of them on the island of the kitchen so he could put them away in the next hour or so. 

He tries to not procrastinate those types of things because everyone knows how easy it could be to do so.  The next thing you know it could be the morning and still haven't put away any of the sandwich stuff. 

 He put away each item including the peanut butter since the summer heat can melt it so easily. He tries to put the bread in the refrigerator too. The mildew from Arizona heat is so hazardous that it makes the bread go moldy and sticky within a few days. He learned the hard ( a way he didn't want to learn either ).

Once Eli is done with each item and has stuck the receipt into the shoe box on the kitchen table, he looks at what else he put on the kitchen table. 

Madetlyn's planner. His eyes lock onto it and his eyebrows furrow in suspense. He goes to it and opens it up for what seems to be the hundredth time since he took it from the cab not to long ago.  

It was bad he took it, wasn't it? It was also not considered stealing though he could have called out to her and told her that she left it. 

That's how his mother raised him to be. To be a very honest man. However, his mother also raised him to be a compassionate person and that's what he is being. A compassionate person as he wants to keep in touch with the  brunette hair woman. 

He just really wants this woman to stick around with him. He deserves that much, right? He has always had a history of a woman not wanting to be in his life after a short time of knowing him. He doesn't know why it is like that but he knows it has been a pattern. A pattern he wants to break. 

The importance of keeping someone in your life is valid in Eli's opinion. He often thinks about how life could be different if a certain person just stayed. Just stook around long enough for him to show them he is a gentleman worth keeping. He can become so protective and so caring. He is a biog hearted man with many emotions that most lack. 

Why wouldn't women want that? He is successful. Working from home on his laptop all day and night planning books upon books. His has secrets no doubt but no secrets are bad enough to end him. If a woman found out his secret tonight he wouldn't end his life. The secrets are just small rumors that he hasn't addressed. Though one thing that isn't a secret is that Eli is not wise with words. 

He can write a man doing a woman so easily even when Eli himself can't get it on with a woman. They end up being only crushes. Only little crushes. 

He has been obsessed in the that what to call it? Obsessed? Can a simple crush even be an obsession? There is the thing....yes and no. 

There are many different crushes that a person can experience in life. The most common one is the attractive stranger. Ones that you come across working for a store or a business. The places you go and bump into someone that you want to talk to but have no guts to go up and talk to them. This type hurts because it is only based on looks....

Madetlyn can't be that. He has introduced himself and they have talked. That can't be it. 

The forbidden love crush...yes the crush that the person is dating a friend or sibling or you are best friends with their sibling. This is totally off limits. No loop holes or sneaking. It hurts everyone involved and creates clashed conflicts that can easily be preventive if you can only help yourself.

No defiantly not that. He squints his eyes shut before he can shed a tear. Indefinably not that.

Whenever he gets to this point he can escape it. He can go without a warning and just sit down in his office. His desk is neat as it is his most valuable and personal space in his home. He has a laptop at the edge but he uses a normal PC for writing when it isn't on the go. 

His New Infatuation◇Eli StevensonWhere stories live. Discover now