Chapter Five.

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The duties and responsibilities of a job can be stressful at times. You have to get up at the right time so you don't have to arrive at work late. You have to keep your home life private and leave work for work. Though sometimes life isn't always that easy. Especially as an officer.

As an officer, you have laws you have to obey and fulfill. You have to keep things confidential and unknown to the public eye. Once in a while it slips and you do get a word out about your case.

Detective Parker was terrible at this when he was together with his wife. His wife was never demanding or anything of that nature. However, Walton would pour out his feelings to her as if it didn't matter. That the rules of the hippa law didn't matter. That sacrificing his chance of starting out big...didn't matter.

When he told his wife about the case he worked on last, she didn't want to hear it. Claiming it seemed like wumbo jumbo, unrealistic topics..things she didn't believe in. Supernatural elements couldn't ever exist and if they did why would they exist here at Scurt? A small town in a huge state that it was overlooked all the time?

Nothing happens in small towns. She was a firm believer of that. But he pestered her and nagged her that he was insane. Senile...

He wasn't. By God, he would swear to her that something took Margret Calmer and it took many before her. He tried to connect the dots with her but she wouldn't listen. No one would listen besides only one person.

His last colleague that he worked with before he retired. A younger fellow that was a pure genius...he never called himself that but if you have photographic memory, can speak in ten different languages, and know random facts about just are a genius.

Parker called him Einstein but his name was Keith. Keith Harmington.

If there was one person who can dissect the letter and know if it is the same person as the last case, it was Harmington.

In the small cafe outside of town, the two sat down together and looked at each other as if they both have seen a ghost.

"It's come back hasn't it?"

Parker nodded and then set his coffee mug down after another sip, "we are not for certain yet but I have the letter."

"You haven't shown anyone, right?" Harmington leans in and his black tie hits the end of his plate with eggs. He rubs at it as he still looks at Parker in the eyes. "No one can possibly know what happened and what we saw."

"What did we see Harmington, hmm?" Parker leaned in and took his hands away from the coffee mug. He looked right back at him and then he relaxed his face and stared down at the table, "I can't have the whole town thinking I am crazy. That mortician made that clear. He thought we were casting some voodoo spell on the girl but I know.."

"You know what we saw," Harmington finished him off. "Then you do know we can't tell anyone else this..."

Parker gave it away by his look and Harmington scooted his plate away, "damn it old man. Why did you do that for?"

"It was my daughter, okay? She was worried about my tone on the phone because she called last night after I received it," he took another sip of the coffee and he acted in a surrender stance, "what?! She said she would call an ambulance for me to make sure I was alright. I had to....but I haven't told any one else."

"We need to keep that a promise. A promise we can't tell anyone else, ya got that? You may not be on the field but I am. If the big man finds out I am playing with something outside of my nature and believe it or not outside of this realm, he would lock me off for good and lock me up in a looney bin."

His New Infatuation◇Eli StevensonWhere stories live. Discover now