Chapter Seventeen/ The Interlude

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Chapter Seventeen. 

2 and a half years ago....

The summer leaves started trickling down from the trees during this time. The time before anything of the unknown was happening. Before Martha May saw Margaret Calmer run from the canal with bloody clothes. Before...well before Ethan Stevenson died. The months leading to those unforgettable nights was spectacular. In his eyes he saw the world like it is in the movies. Brilliant and magical. Worth living up to and working hard to keep. The summer was great except for that one time he thought he saw his old man, but other than that it was great. Life couldn't fail him now....or that was what he believed....

When you're in college everyone depicts you to be this certain person and this way that stays with you. "They' say high school changes who you are as a person but as how Ethan Stevenson saw it college was what either made you or broke you. 

He wanted to get into the nearest university so it was far away enough that he didn't have to hear about being to far but also far enough where he doesn't have to go to Scurt all the time. 

He had his financial aid intact already for the new school and he was exited to start back to what he assumed to be a science major. He worked hard to get here and he did it all by himself. No help from clearly his parents or his infamous author of a brother. He had only himself to be held accountable. He wanted and has always wanted it to be that way. 

Ethan saw a life where he was fascinated with everything around him. He wanted to take the ambition for that and turn it into something much more. He wanted something as science to feel a way. His escape was through a microscope and a pair of safety glasses. Add anything else and it would feel like Christmas to him. 

All the countless hours of staying up at night trying to find new discoveries of either life or death. Every night new books and new topics. Sometimes the topics made it around the table but with a brother that was so talented it felt as if his talent wasn't valid sometimes. He was a genius or he assumed but he wasn't enough in his fathers eyes. He was only enough to his father who was a prick in himself. 

He hated to use that term or really a term like it to describe someone but he was it. He was a reverse alcoholic is what Ethan called it. He called it because he banned any drinking even though he would do it. He banned a lot of things Elijah and Ethan would do if they were regular teenagers....

He wasn't wanting to think of him anymore. That thought was bad. The guy was bad. He never wanted to think like that because that gave you chemicals to the brain that made you not like that person. Ethan didn't want to be like him. He didn't really want anything with him. Especially after the fight night. 

He was pacing across the floor as he wanted to know if the aid did go through this year or if it would be in his debt. He was going into his sophomore year and he was afraid that his major would be to much in his records especially because of having low grades that lead to hardly any scholarships. He wanted nothing more than to be this certain way all throughout high school that sometimes grades didn't matter. he only took his high school classes seriously during the senior year and by that time he had nothing on his plate. 

Ethan was an athlete. Wrestling and track. But he was good at both of them and at the high school the twins went to it didn't matter if you had the clique of football, soccer, volleyball , baseball, basketball, track, wrestling...heck even band or drama....if you had those types of cliques you were instantly top of the food chain because you had your place. His brother was just there to be there. He had friends but nothing more. He got a job, wrote, and then got published for the first time before graduating so he was legacy afterward. But before all that, it was on Ethan to be the family legacy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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