Chapter Six

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If there was one thing besides writing that made Elijah stop thinking of a certain thing or of a certain girl it was always cardio. He doesn't look like the type to go to cardio, matter of fact he looks like just the opposite as he is skinny and lean. Most men his age that run look somewhat buff at least in the legs but Elijah isn't like those guys. He hardly does's not like a daily thing for him.

When he runs though, the things that cross his mind usually even when he is writing, it subsides and goes away. His running was an activity he shared with his brother from time to time. When his brother would barge into his room and ask if he wanted to go on a run, Elijah never really resisted. His brother was the kind that always wanted the best for Elijah. Elijah wanted a change for himself because of his brother.

All he wanted was for his brother to be proud of him. That's the only person he wanted to become proud of him. The only person. Not his mother. Not his aunt. Not his lousy father either.

He would start to run without his brother. In his tank top and shorts, the small breeze of the Arizona spring would encourage him to go faster and faster.

So that's what he was doing now. At seven o'clock in the middle of the night, he was going faster and faster down the street towards Fregerly St. He cut every corner as every memory of his brother came to him. Every memory of trying to win him in running even if his brother hardly tried. It made Elijah feel better for himself and with that he did try.

They both would pant and then begin to fight on who won. The winner always bought the other an energy drink from the convience store. This one particular night that Elijah tries to not think of rarely was his turn to buy.

Though when he walked out of the convience store, he started to feel cold. A cold he never has felt ever since then or before this. A cold that felt like he was alone from all the world.

A cold that left shivers and longing for something more. A warmth from somewhere else or be doing something else. His brother wasn't there waiting and he began to feel even colder.

Goosebumps started to crawl up his arms and his legs. He started to run around the parking lot of the small store and began to feel corrupt with a freezing body temperture. Like something left his body and it took out all the warmth inside of him.

"BRO!! Where are you?" he shouted a few times then he saw a running shoe close by. A running shoe that he knew was his brothers...

"Dude?" he asked to now someone who wasn't here anymore. "Hello?" He looked at the shoe puzzled then he squinted his eyes past the neon lights saying Gray's Cut Rate Drugs ( a name that his brother and him would always poke fun of) Though there is the thing.

This didn't feel right. This felt like it wasn't real. Like this was a dream...a nightmare.

"Bro?" he followed his coincence to go toward the end of the street towards a bank and his eyes went wide as the energy drink fell out of his grasp and broke open onto the concrete.

That cold feeling wasn't the tempertaure leaving his body. It wasn't anything like that. It was knowing somewhere that a part of him left here. That part of him being his brother....

The memory makes Elijah fall on the ground and he crawled up in a ball as he puked up his dinner. He looked up at the sky and felt his heartbeat go stronger as he didn't notice he pushed himself hard. Hard enough to make himself puke and faint obviously.

When he wakes up a force is underneath him and his head is hurting. Banging for that matter. Oh the pain in it as he tried to get up from the couch underneath him.

His New Infatuation◇Eli StevensonWhere stories live. Discover now