Tokenism: In General

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What is tokenism? According to Google, it's the practice of making only a perfunctory or symbolic effort to do a particular thing, especially by recruiting a small number of people from underrepresented groups in order to give the appearance of sexual or racial equality within a workforce.
This can be anywhere from adding those of the LGBTQ+ community or a minority group to a specific company/ setting to writing piss poor scripts to show diversity. A lot of companies are doing this with women who are most likely under qualified for a position in a company, or hiring those of a minority's group ( such as African Americans or South Asians). In most writings it's not the best way to to promote a diverse settings. However there are some settings where it is unavoidable. Like Black Panther , it's a isolationist country so there isn't any white people in Wakanda save for the adopted Hunter aka "White Wolf", though I'm not sure people even know about him.
In Assassin's Creed :Origins, there was a nice mix of people, but someone complained about the lack of white people in Ancient Egypt. Hell the main complaint is the lack of queer and/ or female assassins was a large complaint. But the thing is, no announces that's they're gay to people they just met. Also for the longest, and depending on the region of which a brotherhood resides, there could be female assassins. So what a person's gender and sexuality have to do with anything in regards of assassinations is beyond me. On top of the fact ( and think I discussed the in an earlier chapter) when you make a character's sexuality or gender ID the main aspect of their personality, you are a sucky writer. There are characters in Assassin Creed that are gay or trans*, but most people don't know until after the game is over in discussion animos or at cons. 

But the thing is, most civilizations often deprecate themselves into groups with similar common ground ranging from skin color to education. Which is messed up in a way, but it's a sense of familiarity and comfort, especially in foreign places.
Hell, advertisements are guilty as hell. I'm pretty sure most of you guys are too young to know about this, but Sonic had a kids' menu ( probably still do I only get slushies there nowadays)  that featured a bunch of kids from different parts of the world, one was in a wheelchair.
Then there are reboots and revamps of existing stories that are stupid and seemed forced. Looking at JK Rowling and her constant changing of established characters that barely makes a difference in what was the established... like announcing that Dumbledore is gay after he died. But forced diversity is a chapter all on its own. Why? Well I can explain the difference between a " passing of/ taking up the mantle" writing and straight up changing an established character to fit diversity quotas.
And what the hell is up with changing an entire character. No it's one thing to take a lesser known character and rebooting them without much explanation, but take a very popular character and do that and there will be riots. Both Marvel and DC are both guilty of this, along with a few other people... JK Rowling, but they will explain" This isn't the character you know, it's a new person under the mask" sort of like them taking the mantle. They may not like it but hey. No with JK Rowling it's different. She said Hermione was black even though she's portrayed as white in the movies and book cover. This comes after an artist drew Harry Potter characters as black. 
Tokenism is that weird double edge sword. On one hand, things are diverse. On the other, it seems forced in some cases. I'll go into more details in later chapters on the many Tokenism tropes in existence. 

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