Plot Twists- In General

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So plot twists... there's a love/hate relationship within any genre. There are a few that I didn't mind/ care about,some that changed a lot of things pertaining to a specific character/show/movie/ video game, and plot twist that literally doesn't change a damn thing... looking at you Marvel. So I'll be discussing plot twists that I have seen through my favorite games, tv shows and movies.
So most plot twists are often foreshadowed at some point in time before the big reveal, some so subtle that you need a microscope to find it and in others it's so obvious you might as well have something that says " This is the plot twist." Like in Avatar the Last Airbender, in the episode we learned about how the war started we learned Roku and Sozin were best friends. We also learned that Zuko was related to both of them as they were his grandfathers( or great grandfather. I forgot which). The episode is half with Aang and half with Zuko. And I was like " Why are we learning this?" That reveal of Zuko's heritage put a lot of things in perspective. Like this is your grandad reincarnated, and you wanted to give him to your dad who would possibly kill him. What is you destiny? I really like Avatar the Last Airbender if you haven't noticed. 
Now we also get plot twists that doesn't really change anything. Why? You thought plot twists have to change the course of the story? Well let's look at Age of Ultron. The plot twist here is that Pietro aka Quicksilver died instead of Hawkeye. The only thing it effects is Wanda( but she had more of a reaction to Thanos killing a robot ) and maybe Hawkeye.
The one plot twist that I didn't mind was in Assassin Creed 3 when we found out that our main character Desmond is a descendant of a Templar...and it wasn't necessarily obvious when you think about it. After a while the assassins ditched the traditional white robes and the cutting of the one finger, so them dressing as the time didn't change anything, only those fuckers are slightly harder to spot. So when we found out, we were playing as a Templar, some things changed. Like how would this affect Connor if Haytham stayed in his life. Or if Haytham raised him instead. Would Connor be a Templar? Would the course of the American Revolution turn out differently?
Of course this is just a In General chapter because there are at least ten types of plot twists and I actually talked about one in an earlier chapter. Let me know if there is a specific trope or cliche you want me to talk about

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