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When Mike and I came home we went into the kitchen. I was going to make us some coffee before we head to bed. We just entered the kitchen and we see that Mandy the babysitter was busy with Leila.

"What's the matter? Why isn't she in bed?"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Bennington. She has been throwing up. I'm trying to clean her up." Mandy says.

"Just call me Emma. And how long has this been going on?"

"About an hour. I was trying to call but your phone was dead. And I was trying to deal with this."

I look at her shock and I look through my purse for my phone. I take my phone out and see that it was dead. I tried to switched it on but it didn't came on. The battery was too low.

"Dammit. I must have forgotten to charge it. I'm so sorry Mandy. But I can take over from here. You can leave now." I said and I take over from Mandy.

"I can help Emma." she says.

"It's okay Mandy. We can manage." Mike says and he gives her $200 for the night." 

"Wow. Thank you Mr. Shinoda."

"No need for thanks. You deserve it." Mike says smiling and she nods and get her things and she leaves. 

I just wiped Leila's face clean and she lean her head against me. 

"Mommy I don't feel well." 

The next moment she throws up all over me. I stood there and gasp in awe. 

"I'll get some towels." Mike says and he quickly gets some towels.

He comes back and he helps me with Leila.

"Go get cleaned up. I think we need to take her to the hospital. Get the other two and then we all can meet in the car."

"Thank you." I said. I nod my head and smiled at him.

I make my way upstairs and quickly jump into the shower. I put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt and I went to wake up the other two. I get some clean clothes for Leila. And me and the two boys meet Mike in the car. I quickly changed Leila in the car while Mike drove us to the hospital.

We get at the hospital and the nurses took Leila from me. I followed them and they examine her. A while later the doctor comes in.

"What's wrong with her doctor?"

"She has a stomach virus. I have to keep her here overnight to keep an eye on her and to make sure she doesn't dehydrate."

I just sighed and nod.

"She will be okay Mrs Bennington. The nurses will keep an eye on her twenty four seven." 

I just nod and went back to the waiting room while they set Leila up and admitted her into a room. 

I sighed when I reached Mike and he gets up and he hugs me tight. I couldn't help it but I just cried. I don't know why I cried but I just felt down. 

"What's wrong baby?" Mike asks while he holds me against his chest.

"She has a stomach virus. They want to keep her here overnight."

"I'll go get some things for you. And don't worry about the boys I'll take care of them for the night."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"Our date is completely ruined."

"No it's not. At least not for me. I don't mind being here for you and your kids Emma. I want to be here for you. And I tend to always be here." He hugs me tighter against him. And I let out a sigh.

"Thank you." 

Mike kisses me on the forehead and he and the boys leave to get me some clothes for the night and clothes and things for Leila and myself. 

They came back and Mike handed them to me. I was sitting in the chair next to Leila's bed. I was half asleep. I wanted to get up and help Mike. But he shows me to relax and he takes care of it. The way he was helping and being so caring made me fall even more in love with him. He puts a blanket over me and he kisses me on the forehead. 

"See you later." he says. I just nod and slowly I drift off in sleep while Mike and the boys leave to go home. 


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