"Gravitate"- Part -5

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SM's cafeteria is quite large enough. The entire cafeteria is well decorated with white tables and chairs. I am looking at the wall beside me. The yellow paint has already provoked my hunger!

Chanyeol comes with a tray. It's lunch time, so people are busy over here. Pizza's aroma is tickling in my nose! Ummm...
"You don't have to be here Chany, I'm fine.", as we've become friendly, I called him by his short name.

"Yeah yeah I know you are a strong girl but you know I'm hungry and it's always better to dine in with a beautiful girl!", he winks at me!

"Ha ha! That's really so cheesy of you!" I laughed.

" Okay, let's eat now!" he placed a slice on my plate.

I'm eating right now and have killed Jongin in my mind on several times!
"Is he a racist or what? Sorry to ask but the way he reacted I couldn't but help to ask you." Since I'm not from Korea, so that thought came into my mind.

"I mean I just can't understand things! The Jongin we all know from a far, doesn't match the Jongin I've been experiencing!"
I'm so much disheartened and disappointed that my voice reflects it well.

"Ow crap! No no Bi! Don't jump on to a conclusion right now! Yeah, well I wanted to share something with you and you need to know that!" he clears his voice.

"We all know that Jong has lost his father few months ago and he's been depressed for so long." he looks at me if I know.
"Yeah I know for sure, everyone knows it. And I've been deeply sad for him too. I had really a soft corner for him since that moment."
I sighed!

"Yes. And things have been really hard for him back then. He struggled through his loss. Since he's a very short spoken, so he hardly shared things with us! But we all knew deep down he was all alone all of a sudden." Chanyeol sighed.

"Sorry to know that", I started losing my anger.

" So meanwhile, Jong met a girl somehow and she became a moral support for him. And they started their relationship." He paused.

"Uh! OK", that's all I can say!

"Things were smooth between them. He became dependent upon her as we all know how emotional he is!"

I cut his words, "Yeah, for sure I know already" and become grumpy!

" Ah! Listen to me Bi! The girl is a designer and asked Jong to have a job at SM. Meanwhile Jong came to know that Lisa is going to quit and he really wanted his girl to be here. He even wanted to speak to Ms. Lee . But then Lisa recommended you. Though Jong went to her for having his words but as you can see you're here! "He stopped.

" What?? " now it's my turn to be surprised! "And then?" I asked.

"And then they had fight over phone. The girl is not talking to him and finally she broke up with him. So basically Jong is cranky nowadays and venting out his anger or frustration over you! " He looks at me for my expression.

"That's pretty disgusting! How the hell am I supposed to be treated like shit just because of that?? I didn't do anything but doing my work here. But as if he's been blaming me indirectly for his break up?? Wah!! That's shit!" I started losing my temper all over again!

"Bi, please calm down. Yeah it's true that whenever you come across him, he gets irritated. Though I tried to talk to him about it, but I think he doesn't want to pay any heed. He's been complicated nowadays. And he's been always possessive about people he likes, loves! "

" Wow Chanyeol! This is not done! How can he be so irrational and dumb that he's doing such a foolish act! He should be grateful to me that I indirectly well actually the situation indirectly rescued him from a serious heart break! " I muttered.

" And how is that? " Chanyeol became surprised!

"How? Do you think so that she loved him for once? She was using him for her benefit! If she had any emotion lingered to him, she would have never broken up with him on that issue! It's crystal clear man! Even, I'm getting more angry that how can a guy like him be such stupid like that! Is he dumb or what? " I become literally frustrated.
" And all I've been suffering for that stupid reason?? Oh damn. I can't stand it anymore! Ugh! "

Chanyeol tries to calm down me,
" Yeah such thing came into my mind and I even tried to give that message to him. But I guess I failed!" he felt sorry.

"Actually that's not your problem! It's your guy who's been playing that stupid role. Does he even know how love is or how love should be? Poor Jongin!" I pitied on him!

"So tell me Bi, what is love to you?" all of a sudden Chany becomes so curious about love and all that.
"Do you have boyfriend?" he winks at me.

I laugh at his cute gesture.
"Ha ha! No I don't have any. I've been so busy figuring out my stuffs, you know since I'm living here for study and trying to make my living expenses. So didn't go for that luxury, actually couldn't act on that. But yes, to me love is giving yourself to the person you love. Giving your love, if it comes on sacrifice, you do that on a happy content since you love them. Love is selfless, not being selfish! You know! " I finish at this point.

" Who, Bi you're just too good! It's really nice to talk to you about love, life and stuff like that. You're very sensible! "

And I become embarrassed. But we continue our chitchat.

Ms. Lee is checking my designs for the upcoming concert costumes. She seems pleased on my work. She nodded yes and said," You're doing good. So far so good. Yeah proceed on it. Time is running out Fabia. We hope we'll have the costumes ready by the next week, right?"
"Yes Ms. Lee. I've taken the measurements. I'll start working on it from today. Don't worry." I assured her.

"Ok, you may go now."

As I'm heading for the door she asked me, "Let me know if there's any problem regarding work", she looked at me.
I paused for a second,"Yeah sure, I'll. But if there's any I will handle that myself at first place. Thanks for the support Ms. Lee.", I smiled at her.

"Have a good day" and she finished.

I went back to studio. I was talking to one of my team members over phone to help me on taking measurements. And I noticed there is a note left with a banana shake on my table saying only "Sorry"!

I finished my conversation and went to EXO's practice room. Everyone were practicing. I waited a few minutes and when they finished momentarily I approached them.
"So Mr. Kim," that's what I said and Suho, Chen, Xiumin and Jongin looked at me altogether!
Oops! There are four of them whose surname is Kim!
I dumbfounded myself!

Clearing my throat I said again, "Yeah, Mr. Kim Jongin, there will be someone here to take your measurements and I hope you'll cooperate. Thank you! ", I sounded and acted very professional.

Jongin was just looking at me. Suho came forward saying, "Bi, please don't get mad. He said sorry!"

"Thanks for your effort Suho. I'm just doing my work being professional. I'm not mad at anyone. And yes, when someone will mean sorry sincerely, I'll act upon that!" As I finished, I heard someone felt irritated!

"Okay guys, I'll let you know when your costumes are done!" I waved my hand to them and left the room.

To be continued...


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