"Gravitate"- Part-12

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"Should I go and confront him? Or what if he's not the stalker that I've been assuming. He was just there by coincidence!", I've been talking to myself since morning, distracted by last night's scenario!

I want to put an end to my confusion. Finally I decided to call Chanyeol and dialed his number.

" Hey Bi! What's up? He answers in a cheerful voice!
“Umm. Yeah I'm fine. Can I talk to you?" I'm trying to keep my voice calm as much as I can.

"Yeah, sure! Is it urgent? Because we're out for lunch. Or else I can talk to you over phone now."

"No no! It's absolutely fine. I'll wait for you. Carry on.", I hang up the phone.

I had my lunch. So thinking of strolling a bit. I stopped at the door of their practice room.
"They'll be here by some minutes. So I can wait here." May be I wanted to meet Jongin also! Ugh! I pat on my head to get it straight!

The room is unlocked. So I enter into the room. I don't know why but I just love this room! Once upon a time when I was a kid, reading in class one, I took lessons on classical dance in kids' class from a renowned teacher. She loved me very much and I loved to dance. But couldn't complete the course for some reason and that was the end.

I just love this kind of practice room, mirror in front of you to practice. So that you can see your moves while dancing.

I started humming all of a sudden in my subconscious mind, the song that I was listening a couple of minutes back. "The Eve" of EXO. I just love the song and the moves.
I started moving with the humming, looking at the mirror while moving.
My moves are average. Though I'm content on what my moves are right now, but I got stuck on one move that I couldn't move my body flexibly!
"Damn!" I got frustrated!

"Let me show you Bi!", a voice spaks out!
"woh!" I choked out figuring out that it's none other than Jongin! Ow crap!! I just want to run away from the room right now!
But I'm standing still!!
Trying to smile but I'm quite sure I'm looking as nervous as hell, most probably like an idiot!
"Why are you here? No I mean, didn't you go out altogether?"

"Nope! I'm on my diet. So I didn't go out with them!", he winks at me smiling.
"Damn! So you're here all this time? But why didn't I notice you?"

"You see that door?" he points a door behind the mirror. "There's a small space to keep our stuffs and we sometimes take a nap in there if we want to!"

“Ow crap!" this time I speak louder!
“Well, actually I came here to Chanyeol, basically I was about to wait a little for their coming back. Meanwhile I ended up doing this and that!", I smile weakly. "Please don't speak about it to anyone! I should get going now. "

"No wait! You were doing great. Let me show you that move please. I would love to. And it seems you learned to dance, your movement shows a vibe. Did you?"

So I shared my dance history to him.
"Wow! Cool! I had no idea! Ok, let's do that step together. Just look at me how I'm doing that specific step. Then you try to imitate me. Ok?"
He is so enthusiastic as if he got a very devoted student! So nice of him actually.

And my heart is pounding! Is it a dream or what! The Korean dance king is going to show me some moves, oops, not really, he's going to give me a short lesson. Woh! That's beyond my dream!

He starts to move like a butterfly! And I'm looking at him being mesmerized! He's so perfect in his moves, in his postures.

I'm trying to imitate him. I get a little bit better on that move, but not properly. He comes forward to me. And I'm feeling like he may find out that how fast my heart is beating!
Oh crap, no way!

But all is he doing is standing beside me, showing the move again without any body touch. He's such a gentle man, of course.
"Wait, what were you thinking Bi! You evil", I scolded my subconscious mind silently, "Concentrate! Focus on the moves!"

When we were practicing the boys entered into the room.

"Wah! You guys are practicing! How come!", Baekhyun claps with fun, with his signature mischievous smile!

"No, I was waiting for Chanyeol here, and meanwhile ended up doing some steps, haha!", I laugh awkwardly.

Chanyeol is looking at me with a blank face.
"Let's talk Bi!", he goes towards the door.

To be continued..

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