"Gravitate"- Part-6

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Things are going smooth. Boys are having stage shows and I'm in rush by this time. But I'm just loving my work.

Have loads of work and my brain is working all day night. I am running for the elevator as its door is closing. "Please wait", I reach at the door, panting.

The door got opened and when I stepped forward, it's Jongin over there!

"Ah crap!" I muttered that he might not listen. I've been trying to avoid him and unnecessary, stupid chaos between us for last few weeks. So I decided not to get in there.
"Please carry on," as I'm about to leave right away. He felt so disgusted that his face reflects it. As I move aside from the door, I see Chanyeol is coming towards here. I nod to him with a smile saying good morning. And he with his familiar big grin greets back. As I'm leaving he asks, "Bi, are you not coming?"

"Ah, I'll come later. Go ahead", I smile at him leaving. He grabs my backpack and stops me.
"Come on Bi, get in", and I couldn't argue anymore to make any excuse or else it'll be clearly seen that I'm doing it deliberately just to avoid Jongin! Ugh!

I'm pretty sure Chanyeol got to read it clearly as he chuckled once looking at me and Jongin.

"What?", Jongin asks him with a cold look!

"What? Nothing!", Chanyeol replies him shaking off his shoulder.
We were silent for the next couple of minutes.

My working place is at 7th floor and their's on 9th. As the elevator hits on 6th floor, suddenly Jongin tries to get the attention, "I need to talk to you!"

"Okay", Chanyeol replies.
"Not you, hyung! I'm talking to her", he points at me.
By then we reached on 7th floor and I was ready to leave.

"Fabia, I'm talking to you!", I'm quite sure this is the first time Jongin has mentioned my name!

"I'm busy right now and if you have any issues regarding your costumes, let me know when I'll be on your floor! Can you please excuse me? "

"Don't you think so it's really rude!", he looks into my eyes!
By the time the door is opened and Chanyeol holds the door. 

"Bi! Jong! Stop arguing and listen to each other and stop this cold war like kids, please !" Chanyeol lets the elevator move on.

He left on 9th and Jongin pressed 13th for the rooftop.
"I hope you don't mind going there since these floors are busy right now", he says.

"That's fine". I reply.

It's a bright shiny day. The gentle breeze is so refreshing here.

As I don't want to waste my time so I approach first, "Yes, Mr. Jongin, I'm listening to you."

He looks at me with a blank face, "Don't you think you're making things exaggerated in front of people?"

“What? Excuse me?? What did I do now?? And what do you mean? "
As I've been annoyed by him so I tried hard to calm down.

" What do you want to prove to people that I'm the bad guy among the boys and that's why you avoid me noticeably ??"

"I don't need to avoid you, I do my work and apart from that basically I ignore you because I don't want any kind of confliction, chaos or whatever!" I stop.

I guess he's shocked to hear me out.
So I continue, "I think the conversation is over."
I turn my back on him.

"See, how arrogant you are! You make people disgusted by yourself and you blame it on others. Wow!"
He finishes with a chuckle!

Now, right at this moment I couldn't hold back on myself.

I turn to him and start, " Like seriously?? Are you making me responsible for your actions??
Oh wow! Yeah right! How can be the Dancing king be rude to the others or misbehave with someone! Are you dumb or what? Oh yeah, right! what can I even expect from you! Who can't even get the reality but blame others! You're disgusting already. I feel pathetic towards you! Don't make me feel more! " I take a deep breath.

" What? What did you mean right now! Make your statement clear. ", his face turns into red as he becomes angry.

" You want to hear it from me? OK, listen. You're so pathetic that you can't hold onto yourself and you need some selfish girl to hold onto who tried to use you to make her move! And you misbehaved me for that stupid reason! Unbelievable! Do you have any common sense, or what!! You hurt my pride for some girl like that where I had done nothing! And that's wholly disgusting Mr. Jongin!", I take a deep breath and I can feel my ears have become warmer as I got hyper!

He becomes mum for few seconds! He managed himself to say something as I know for sure that he's shocked to know that I'm acknowledged about his stuff!

"How dare you to talk to me like that? You're so ill mannered and  nosy", He speaks out loudly.

"Yeah right! If getting a chance to work here sincerely without having any idea about your love life beforehand is something called ill mannerism, then fine!
If having all your shits even doing nothing on that regard is ill mannerism, then fine even!
Now let me tell you clearly, the person you're dying for having with you here replacing by Lisa, thinking that would have been a meaningful love life for you, then that's a shit and you're a bone head! If she would have loved you for once, you wouldn't have been parted just on such mere thing! She wanted to use you and by the stroke of luck you got saved by me indirectly since I got here. Do you get that? You should be thankful to me! And look, you're calling me ill mannered! Yeah fine, to hell with the mannerism, to hell with everything else! " I shut him down and left him with a shock for sure!

To be continued....


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