"Gravitate"- Part-11

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Chanyeol and Chen is helping me on folding all the clothes. While three of us are busy doing stuffs, Suho came along with coffee and milkshakes.

The rest of them are having chit chats. I looked for Jongin and our eyes met! Ugh! I looked away. He seems fine.

After finishing my work, I took my coffee and sipping in it. And Jongin is standing right beside me. And I don't know why, but I'm feeling uneasy!

“Umm, Bi, thanks for yesterday! ", all of a sudden Jongin is calling me Bi!

I choked out and almost going to spill my coffee!

" Ah! That's absolutely fine!", I look at him, smiling awkwardly.

" And I'm sorry! ", He says very politely!

" What's wrong with you? Are you alright? ", I wanted to pull his leg.

"Yeah, something wrong happened to me, and I'm sincerely sorry for how I behaved with you!", his voice sounds like so soft like silk.

"I didn't do much for you yesterday to be apologetic!", I keep my voice cold and calm.

"No, trust me. I wanted to apology earlier but I couldn't manage things!", he sounds even more sincere now!

His face looks so innocent that I couldn't hold onto the past bitter feeling though I really wanted to!
Ah! Why this guy makes a puppy face! Damn!

" This is my apology to you! Can you please forgive my stupidity? Please?", he is holding a small box towards me.

"Oh come on Bi, let it go", Suho is  smiling at me pointing towards Jongin.

Chanyeol comes forward and tries to pull Jongin's leg, "Aha! A gift!" he winks at Jongin.

"Bi, if you don't want to open it, let me please", he puts a big grin on his face.

And Jongin makes a face to him.

I open up the box. A tiny silver pendant crafted of a flying bird, holding a flower in its beak, paired with a silver chain.
The pendant is very beautiful no doubt on that.

"Will you put it on and let me be assured that we're ok now?", Jongin is looking at me.

I take the chain and open up the clasp to wear it. But I find it troublesome to lock the clasp. So I'm about to reach for the mirror but Jongin comes to help me, "Let me help you Bi."

The way he calls out my name, it seems like music to me and my heart flutters! Damn! What the heck am I thinking!!

He puts a cute smile on his lips and place his hand forwards to me. So finally we shake our hands and shake all the bitterness off.

" Ok guys! I have a lot to do. I've got to go now! Will catch you later. "  And I leave the room.

Working load is more nowadays. And I've working the whole day long. Just got myself a lunch break and that's it. I know for sure I'm going to be late today and I'm trying as fast as I can wrap up for today!

Almost everyone left. But there will be people for night shift. I wrapped up my work and now heading for the exit.

That same feeling is happening! As if someone's stalking me! I have read some horrific news about this stalking and that's why I'm a little bit nervous or I might say, I'm afraid?

I wait for the bus to be arrived. But I'm having goosebumps while thinking of the stalking issue. I don't know where, but I'm pretty sure someone is stalking me right now as I can sense it!

The bus arrived and I get on it. After taking seat I look back and find someone's standing at the bus stop wearing a black hoodie!
And I think I can see the face now!
"It's been Chanyeol??", I'm struck by surprise.

To be continued....

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