{8}No Humanity Left

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💼Chapter 8💼
No Humanity Left

    You were lying on what looked like a hospital bed,
Eto, Tatara, Yamori, Ayato and the surgeon was standing beside you.
"(Name), my dear, you are going to LOVE being one of us. Even two of your best of friends are one of us.."
"What? Who?"
"Come in!" Eto said, the two people stepped in.
You first noticed the black and white hair and already knew who it was..
They gave you a smile,
"You're not alone, we're here.." They said.
"We passed by CCG today, your dad and Arima's hands are completely tied. If you decided to wait on them, you'll be dead.." They said, placing their hands over yours..
"All the males, leave the room, all except for the surgeon.." Eto said.
  Ayato groaned, following behind Yamori and Tatara, hoping that he would see you scream in pain. But he just realized that you have to be injected with a tranquilizer to commence with the organ transplant.
Eto bandaged your chest and left the rest of your torso to show for the transplantation.


"How are you feeling..?" The doctor asked, washing his hands in water, probably from the blood.
"Right now, I feel like I'm high.." You replied, holding your head.
"It's the tranquilizer, it'll ware off in a while.."
"Okay," you laid back down on the bed, placing a hand over your eyes because the light blinded your eyes.
"Are you hungry?"
"Uh.. no, I don't think so.."
"Be careful, if you stay hungry for too long, you'll wanna eat anyone in sight.." He warned, wiping his hands with a dry towel.
"And plus, in here there's an abundant amount of food for you to eat. But if you remained a human, you would've died.."
He said, leaving the room.
In the blink of an eye, you were attacked by what felt like hugs.
"Life will be a lot better.."
"We promise.."

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