Romance in a cave

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Horror's P.O.V

Sunset in the mountains. Another day of driving. So far, we've fought a zombie bear, zombie owls and a giant zombie chicken. Well, Killer and I thought it was a giant zombie chicken, everyone else keeps saying it was a vulture. Nah, defiantly a chicken. Asy was a surprise, I wasn't expecting to see someone alive and uninfected out here. But I suppose anything is possible. Right now, I'm just relaxing. My arm around Lust, him leaning against me with a smile across his face.

"You're quite snuggly, aren't you?" I said.

Lust hummed in response, nuzzling my chest gently. Gosh, he's cute.

" two in a relationship or what?" Cross asked, peeking above his seat.

"Friends can cuddle, can't they?" I replied. "Also, when are you gonna make a move on Dream?"

Cross immediately went back down on his seat. I chuckled. I heard the trapdoor in the roof open and Dream and Asy come through. Buddy instantly leaped over the seat he was laying on and tackled Dream to the ground, licking his face.

Dream laughed. "Heheh, calm down Buddy!"

"Go on, Cross." I said. "At least say hi to him. You haven't talked to him in a while."

Cross took a deep breathe and nodded, standing up and walking over to him. Asy had already run off, probably to go annoy random people again. Cross reached out his hand to help Dream up, Dream happily obliged.

"H-Hey Dream." Cross managed to say, smiling.

Dream smiled back. "Hi Cross."

"So, uh...I just...wanted to say sorry for being so awkward the last few times we talked."

"You don't need to apologise for that, Cross.

"I know, but I-"

"Alrighty guys, we're stopping here for the night!" FC interrupted, walked up from the front of the bus. "Oh, was I interrupting something?"

"Not at all." Dream replied.

"Yeah, not at all..." Cross mumbled.

What a pushover.

"Fantastic. Everyone grab a sleeping bag from the back." FC ordered.

"Wait, we're not sleeping in the bus?" Ink asked.

"I don't know if you can tell, but the bus smells like rotting bird corpses."

She had a point there, the place stank.

"Besides." FC continued. "I've stopped at a cave in the side of the mountain. We have shelter from any zombie birds. We can leave the bus door open to help get rid of the smell."

"Someone will have to be lookout." I said.

"Thanks for volunteering, Horror."

I hit my head on the seat and groaned in annoyance. Lust giggled.

"Just yell really loud if you see any giant zombie chickens." Killer advised.

"The joke's not funny anymore!" Everyone yelled.

Killer shrank down in his seat as everyone yelled at him in unison.

"There is an upside though." FC claimed. "Lust, you feel like cooking dinner for us tonight?"

Lust smiled and nodded happily. That brightened everyone's spirits. A meal by Lust would be fantastic. So far all we've been eating are food bars. FC says their full of nutrition, which is true, but they have little to no flavour. And we had all that good food stashed in a small esky. So everyone walked out the bus and into the cave beside it. Lust and I carried the esky of food with us. When everyone was in the cave, we started a fire and sat down around it. Lust got to work on cooking.

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