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Krist swallowed with difficulty and, immediately, cast a pleading glance towards the place where their majesties were standing.


Mint, noticing the look on the young man's face, gave a gentle nudge to her husband who, with a frown, turned towards her to immediately follow the gaze of the young queen.

No sooner had he laid his eyes on them that, with a slight annoyed gesture, he apologized to the nobleman with whom he was speaking and began to move towards where they were standing. 

The Queen just a few steps away from him.

- "Prince Jared" - Singto muttered at the same moment in which his parents came and, making a hole among all those who were already watching them, stood next to Krist - "I think you do not know our customs very well .. especially in relation to our Consorts. "

The young lycanthrope, with a smirk, shook his head.

- "Well, It's not that I'm interested in that...I think it is enough with what I've heard already about his commitment" - he answered without caring about the murmur that began to develop behind his back.

- "And what has you heard for you to dare to behave in such an inappropriate way?" - Singto asked while frowning - "As far as I know, even in your country, blood unions are respected."

Jared shrugged.

- "True ... but they have always been carried out when both parties were willing to do it, not like here ..." - he commented as he turned his gaze towards Krist - "First it was my old friend Jae ... compromised against his will ... and now ... now a young man who had a girlfriend until a couple of months ago ".

Krist paled.


I had a girlfriend?

But what was that guy talking about?

It was not until moments later that he remembered young Khao.

"It can not be!" He said to himself as he remembered the maid, "but ... we had never really been together!"

The truth was that, since his last call to the mansion, he had not heard from the girl again. Only that, finally, she had started dating the young vet of the family.

"A lovely couple," Nath had said through the sphere of communications, which had undoubtedly put an end to the feeling of guilt he was still feeling for making the girl suffer.

But, if she had managed to overcome it ...

If at last she had found someone better than him, who would love her as she should be...

Maybe it was time to leave everything behind and continue with his life.

With his life next to his Singto ...

"And now ... now this guy is taking about  a story that is already forgotten ...", Krist told himself as he looked at Jared while frowning - "but why? Why now?"

- "I'm sorry to say this ... but I think you've been misinformed" - said Krist - "I have never had a girlfriend and ... about the Blood Pact, I have accepted it voluntarily".

 about the Blood Pact, I have accepted it voluntarily"

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Jared stopped smiling.

- "It is not necessary for you to lie anymore ... I know everything. I know that, being a slave, you have been forced to accept this union... but now you do not need to continue with this farce ... you can come to my kingdom. You will be free there... and maybe we can get to know each other better. I..."

However, he did not say anything else as a hand grabbed him by the throat and, as if he weighed nothing, lifted him off the ground.

- "It seems you do not understand anything... Krist is mine ... MINE!" - Singto whispered as he stared into the eyes of the young man who, unsuccessfully, was trying to free himself from the grip - "he's MY CONSORT!"

Tanin approached his son quickly and, trying to stop what would undoubtedly be an international conflict, put a hand on his son's arm.

- "AHHHHHH" - exclaimed the monarch as he took a few steps backwards.

His hand, the same one with which he had touched Singto, was completely bloodied and burned.

- "Do not touch it! ... or the result will be much worse" - Mint said as she ran towards her husband and, carefully, prevented him from touching the wounds that were beginning to form on his fingers - "you're lucky you have only brushed his skin ... or you would be dead! "

Tanin looked up from his hand towards, like everyone else, the young prince who, without moving a millimeter from his own place, was watching as Jared's face reddened more and more.

Krist, who until now had been completely still, started walking towards Singto.

- "Krist!" - Kim exclaimed a few steps away. The young woman, with Therra and Takuya at her side, was watching the situation with a look of terror on her face.

After all she, like Krist, had noticed the marks that, very slightly, had began to appear on the neck of the young vampire.

"He's starting to change," Krist told himself as he remembered, with fear, the last time the young man had done it and how he had ended up losing control. And the worst of all is that now they were not in a garden ... but in a room and surrounded by dozens of people.

- "Sing..." - whispered the young man as he approached the prince and, ignoring the words of everyone begging him to move away, put a hand on the one that the vampire was using to grab Jared.

As soon as his skin had made contact with Singto's, he turned around, letting him see slanted and feline eyes.

- "Sing ... it's not necessary" - muttered Krist again, with a slight smile on his face - "nobody is going to get me away from you ... I am YOUR Consort".

Singto stared at him, saying nothing. However, minutes later, he released the young man who, with the fingers of the vampire engraved on his neck, fell on the marble floor with a slight moan of pain.

The windows opened at that precise moment and a strong wind began to enter into the room making everyone look at each other with a single question on their faces.

"Are we safe or ... is this just the beginning?"

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