T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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On Sunday, I was in my bedroom working on my homework. Desi and Aria weren't here and I was grateful so I could focus.

"Damn... I'm never skipping again" I say to myself when my phone rings. I look over to see it was Nico. I smile at his name and answer. "Hey" I said.

"Hey, you got twenty minutes to get your cute little ass down here"

"What?" I laugh.

"Movies, let's go" he says.

"Nico... I told you I was studying" I laugh.

"Mmm..." he says then laughs. "I don't like to repeat myself" he laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Are you serious?"

"Nineteen minutes" he says hanging up. I laugh and shake my head. I get up and change into some grey leggings with a t-shirt. I pull my hair back in a pony-tail and went to brush my teeth. Once I had my converse on I hurry out the dorm and over to the parking lot where Nico was waiting. I open the passenger side and slid into the car. "In another two minutes I would've came upstairs" Nico says looking at me and I laugh. He grabs me behind my head pulling me closer so our lips meet. I break our kiss with a smile and he looks at me. "What?" he laughs.

"Nothing... this is nice" I said and he smiles at me. He backs out of the parking lot and drives to the main road and I couldn't help to smile like a dork.

Trevor's words were lingering in my head about Nico. He doesn't date. What does that mean? Maybe he hasn't found the right girl yet? But who cares. I'm not ready for the guy to be my boyfriend. I don't know him all that well. I then start to think about that time we went out and all those girls talking to him.

I look over at him as he stares at the road. He's hot as shit. Of course girls will talk to him. Who cares if he hooks-up with people? It's... normal. Is that all he wants from me? Why would he take interest in a freshmen like me anyways? I really need to learn this guy.

As we're in the movie, I couldn't focus on the screen. Nico had his arm behind me, his hand rubbing my thigh and he starts kissing my neck. Now I understand why people hooked up in the movie theaters. I really don't want to be just another body to him. He's cute as shit, he has goals, he stands up to my brother. He has Trevor scared and... my social media is blowing up.

I pull away from him and he looks at me. I stare at him then look at the movie. I can tell he was still staring at me then he leans back in his chair and faces the screen. I glance at him as he takes some popcorn and throwing it in his mouth. He leans the bucket over to me and I grab a few.

"Looks like you got mad at me for a minute in there" Nico says as we leave the movie theater. I laugh and shake my head. "I'm sorry if you didn't want me... touching you in there"

"No Nico that's not it"

"Then what's wrong?"


"I don't like secrets" he says. We reached the car but he stops in front of me.

"I just—want to know you more, that's all" I said and he smiles and looks down. He grabs me by the waist and looks down at me.

"What do you want to know?" he ask. I can't ask him now. About his past? His old girlfriends? His old flings? Does he only do hook-ups? That's none of my business, right? Ugh... I hate how Trevor still has this control over me.

"Your favorite drink" I said and he smiles.



"I like coffee, you?"

"Probably tea"

"Sweet or unsweet?"

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