T H I R T Y - F O U R

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It was empty in the dorm and I went to take shower. Once I was out, I rub the fog away from the mirror and turn around to look at my bruise on my back. It wasn't as vivid as it was before but you could still see it. I truly hope it goes away soon. I then go to my room and lay on my bed and scroll through social media. I just happen to go on Nia's page and she posted the picture of them at the pool. She tags everyone and out of the three, Tori was the only one who liked it.

I stare at Trevor in the picture and smiled as the sun beams down on his wet body. I want to call him to tell him I made a mistake. I do love him and want to be with him. But look at me? I'm broken, I'm weak and he deserves someone better. I can't even bring up the Nico situation. Does his hit count? Wasn't it just self-defense? Didn't I hit him first? I roll my eyes and pulled out the CD under my pillow. This was the second to last song on the case. I laugh as everyone knows Maroon 5, "She Will Be Loved". I go ahead play it on my phone and close my eyes as the song plays.

My mind starts racing about Trevor. Then it jumps to Breenan and how excited he was to propose to Nia. And how Blake was so nice at first. She was sweet and seemed like she really wanted to be friends with everyone. What changed?

I hear the dorm door open and I turn off the music and started to get dressed. A couple knocks came at the door then Desi walks in.

"Hey...you" she says.

"Hey, how was your night?" I ask.

"Girl, wild and I have a huge hangover. How was yours?"

"How was Soulja?"

"Girl please" she said and I laugh. "Sorry for leaving you with all of them yesterday"

"Breenan cheated on Nia with Blake. Turns out Blake is using my own wrongs against me so she's basically a bitch and Trevor once again tells me that's he loves me and you know what I did about all of this? Absolutely NOTHING!" I say and shake my head.

"Wait a minute bitch, what?"

"I did nothing! I didn't confront Breenan about it. I let Blake say whatever and I told Trevor I didn't love him, can you believe that? Now here I am"

"Camari... calm down" she said stepping into my room.

"No I can't Desi. Why do I always make the wrong decisions? I just felt like if I stayed away from everyone. If I didn't involve myself in their situations or their problems then I would be fine. But this... this is crazy. I just feel like everything I do is wrong" I say looking at her.

"Well Camari what do you want to do about it?"

"What?" I ask.

"I mean you're obviously upset. So instead of feeling sorry for yourself, do something. Shit..." she says and I stare at her.

"Wouldn't I make things worst?"

"Telling your brother he's a fuckin douche for cheating on his wife to be? How would that make it worst? Putting Blake in her place? How would that make it worst? Telling Trevor you do want to be with him? Uhh... I mean regardless of Breenan, you guys obviously want to be with each other so do it. And can you do it soon because I'm ready to leave your brother and all their problems behind us" she says walking out the room. I bite my lip and shake my head. She's right... like usual.

I should start with Trevor first. But I've said no to him multiple times now like why would he accept me now? I grab my phone and look to see I had an un-read email. I go to it to see it was Professor Warren. I roll my eyes then proceeded to read the email.


I thought long and hard over your extra credit assignment. I want you to send me back an email on what it means to be in-love with someone in your own words.

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