Chapter 13 - An Old Friend

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They reached camp just before sunset on the second day, out of the Grizzlies.

As they rode down the track they heard Sean shout. "Whose there!"

Casie smiled, as she shouted out, "Casie, Arthur and Dutch, coming in."

Sean stared, unable to take his eyes off of the legendary white Arabian horse, and Casie.

On the route home they had stopped off at the Valentine stables to pick up a new saddle. Ebony Black, on the pure white horse, made it look even more stunning.

"Holy shit! You did it." He exclaimed, laughing.

The other two men laughed. "You should have seen her tame it!" Exclaimed Dutch.

As they approached the hitching area, a crowd had gathered. Pointing, and staring at Casie, and the horse. The Arabian started to get a bit skittish. Casie gently stroked her neck, and whispered calming words. "Easy girl, it's Ok," she whispered.

"Cmon, lets give Casie and..?" Arthur looked at Casie.

"Ice, her name is Ice." She smiled at Arthur, and looked across at the rest of the gang.

"Let me settle her in. They'll be plenty of time for you to meet her."  She said, smiling.

Everyone moved away nodding and chatting, with the exception of John, who rolled his eyes. He put his arm around Abigail, and shepherded Jack, back to their tent.

Dutch dismounted from The Count, and headed to his tent. He glanced back at Casie.

"Don't be too long, you should get some food, and some sleep." He smiled.

Casie nodded.

Arthur removed the Wolf and skin from Maggie. They had decided to bring one of the wolves back whole, to use for meat. The cold in the mountains had kept it fresh for a little longer, but he really needed to get it back to Pearson to prepare. He walked towards Pearsons wagon, glancing back at Casie, to give her a conspiratorial wink.

Casie started unsaddling Ice. She heard a noise behind her, the sound of a boot breaking a twig.

Casie turned around startled.

"Well haven't you just grown up. Gunslinger, shootist, horse tamer. I'll bet one of those wolves was your handy work too." Micah said, as he leaned against a tree, chewing on a match in the corner of his mouth.

"Micah!" Casie half smiled. She hadn't really seen him much after her Valentine meltdown, and he had almost been avoiding her.

Casie put the saddle down, and shoved her hands in her pocket, as she walked towards Micah.

"I thought you were avoiding me, after Strawberry." She said awkwardly.

"No Casie," he smirked, "Just givin' you a bit of grow up. But maybe that was a mistake, seeing you with that slimy Irish bastard. If I'd been in Morgan's place, I would have done a damn site more than beat the little shit up!"

"I Sean." She glared at Micah. Casie pulled twenty dollars out of her pocket.

"Here." She handed him the money. Blinking back tears, that she didn't want to cry. At least not in front of Micah. "It's what you paid the sheriff in Valentine. Arthur once told me you never did anything, unless there was something in it for you."

Micah stepped forward and closed Casie's fist around the money. Holding her closed fist in both his hands.

"Morgan is fucking arsehole sometimes. I saved you from the sheriff in Valentine, because I wanted to. I don't like that little Irish bastard. I think there's better out there for you." He put his hands up, in fake surrender.

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