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News was getting pretty dark. Shiho is still in critical condition. While paramedics said there was a slim chance of recovery, I'm still holding out hope, for Ann's sake. I heard the rumors about Ann. I never fully believe the rumors around school, but after talking to Akira, the rumors had to stem from something. 

I haven't talked to Akira since last week. He said he'd be busy with something, but that I can text whenever I want to hang out. I don't think I'll text first, though. It was a feat I initiated the conversation. 

As I approach the school gates, I see Kamoshida standing there, greeting students as they walk in. I glance at him, his eyes locked on me. Out of any day for him to stare at me, he had to pick today. I started talking to Akira about a week ago now. Kamoshida had threatened him and Ryuji with expulsion. While it's been a while since I spoke with Ryuji, I know he would never deserve expulsion. Sure, he's got a temper, but he would never do something that would manage to get him expelled. 

"Oh, l/n. Haven't seen you around the school very often recently," Kamoshida stated. I shifted my weight to my other leg. "Yeah. I've been busy studying." That bastard. I heard Ann when Shiho jumped. I wish I could say something to him, but I can't risk expulsion. My parents would probably disown me if that happened. 

A few students passed by us, one of them being Akira. Kamoshida was glaring at him. I took that as my chance to try and leave, but Kamoshida had stopped to turn his attention to me. "I hope you can come watch practice today, y/n!" He had went back to his cheerful grin, hiding the shit-eating grin he had aimed towards Akira. 

I gave a broken smile back towards him, heading into the building. I went through the doors, waiting for Akira by the locker. "Hey."

Akira turned towards me, hands in his pockets. "What's up? What was Kamoshida talking to you about?" He sounded concerned. "Oh. Nothing." I looked down, my shoulders tense. "Has he ever really spoken to you before?"

"Once. Before Ann had started school. I kinda worked my schedule away from him. Even for the volleyball tournaments. It's just... he creeps me out so much. Why doesn't anyone realize what he's doing?"

"Maybe they do," Akira muttered. "If they know, it makes it worse. I don't like him. I don't trust him. I'd rather just stay out of his way and get through the rest of my years here without any attention from him," I replied. The two of us became silent, heading to our classroom. 

Akira turned his attention to me as we sat down. "Wanna hang out after school? We can go to Leblanc."

"Are you not busy today?"

"I can hold off on what I need to do. I just got a T.V. for my room delivered yesterday."

"I thought we were going to Leblanc. Isn't that a cafe?"

"Yeah. Sojiro has me in the attic of the cafe. It's actually pretty nice now that I'm cleaning it up."

I couldn't contain my laughter. I stifled it with my hand. Akira smiled towards me. "It isn't that funny. You laugh now, but you'll regret it once you see it."

"Fine. I guess I should bring some money. I heard the coffee and curry there is delicious."

Kawakami had stepped into the classroom, the bell having just run. The students still standing quickly scrambled to their seats. About two students who were late rushed through the door, sitting at their desks.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

The end of the school day had finally approached. I stood up, bag over my shoulder. I watched Akira put his bag in front of the opening under his desk. I raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

Akira turned towards me, something heavy landing in his book bag. "I'll show you on the way." He put the bag over his shoulder, phone in hand. I could tell he was texting someone, but I decided to keep my nose out of his business. 

We stepped out of the classroom together, Akira holding his bag close to his body and being careful not to let it rock too much. 

"Ah, l/n! There you are!"

I froze, Akira looking down towards me. "I can stay with you if you want," he offered. I nodded before turning around, giving a fake smile to him. "Hey, Mr. Kamoshida! What's up?"

"I was just heading down for volleyball practice. You have time to watch for today?"

"Not today. Akira and I are gonna hang out." I tried to sound apologetic, struggling to hide the discomfort in my tone. 

Kamoshida looked to Akira, glaring at him. "Mind if I talk to y/n for a minute before you leave?"

"Not to be rude, sir, but yes. I do mind. I don't wanna be late for our train there." Akira held a straight face, but I noticed his grip on the backpack strap. His knuckles were turning white. Kamoshida let out a deep chuckle. "It'll only take a minute."

I turn towards Akira. My hands were shaking. I didn't want to stay near Kamoshida any longer, but there was no way I could avoid him right now. He's pretty persistent. "It's fine. I'll meet you at the front gate. Grab me a drink?" I asked, hoping he would drop it. I appreciated his help, but yeah. I wasn't getting out of this.

"Sure." He headed down the stairs while I turned to Kamoshida. "What is it?"

"Look, you're a good student, y/n. I don't want you to get yourself into trouble with that kid. Did he ever tell you why he's here?"

"A bit. He's been pretty honest when I ask him."

He frowned, eyebrows now furrowed together. "Honesty doesn't mean anything from someone like him. I'm just looking out for you." He put a hand on my shoulder, our gazes locked. I was stiff, my foot tapping nervously. He removed his hand, stretching his arm out. "Can ya stop by tomorrow then?"

"Maybe. Depends on homework."

I turned towards the stairs, waving as I descended. I turned the corner, finally relaxing once I knew I was out of his view. "What a creep..."

Students were slowly streaming out of the entrance gate. I stepped past the gate, turning to my left to look for Akira. I approached the vending machine, keeping myself quiet as I sneaked up behind him. "BOO!" I shouted in his ear, shaking his shoulders. He jumped, turning towards me. I erupted into laughter as Akira looked unamused. "Oh ha ha ha. Scare me while my back is turned, why don't you?" He hands me my drink as he opens his own. "Let's get out of here," he mutters, the two of us heading to the station.

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