After School Activities

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I watched y/n run to class, Kamoshida walking past me. It took some effort to hide my smirk. No doubt he would find the calling card soon enough. I will admit, I had my doubts letting Ryuji write it, but it was between him or Ann. This is only my fight because they're my friends. I've only dealt with Kamoshida for a few days so far. 

Still, I feel bad that I have to leave y/n with Kamoshida at his worst. I won't have time to walk her home or at least out of the school. I'm sure she hates me right now.

Morgana stuck his head out of the bag. "This'll work. Don't worry."

"I trust you, Morgana. I'm just worried for y/n's sake."

"I doubt he'd try anything after he sees our calling card. This is the best way to help her."

I wish I could believe that. I don't want to risk giving Kamoshida a mental shutdown, but I want this to work. My expulsion may be on the line but so is my freedom. I can't let Sojiro or my parents down. 

Ann and Ryuji soon came into my view. "Not bad, eh?"

The three of them began bickering, Ryuji defending his work. It honestly isn't too bad. None of us are artists, so I have no room to complain. 

"Who's responsible for this?!" 

I turned around to see the source of the outcry. This'll be interesting.

"Did you do this!? Or was it you!?"

The crowd of students scattered away. Kamoshida approached us, Ann keeping her head down. 

"Was it you two!?"

I looked Kamoshida in the eye. "What if it was?"

"What garbage. It's not a problem. You'll be expelled soon enough anyway."

There was a flash in the room, like the cognition broke through. Kamoshida was replaced with his shadow. "Come. Steal it if you can."

The cognition fell, Kamoshida walking away. 

"Judging from Kamoshida's response, I'm sure we had an effect on his palace," Morgana stated. 

"Does that mean the Treasure's appeared? We'll be able to get it today, right?" Ann questioned. 

"It's not just 'today'. It's ONLY today. The impact of seeing a calling card doesn't last long, and it cannot be repeated. This will be our one chance to steal the treasure."

"One day's more than enough for us," Ryuji assured. I hope he's right. He has to be right. We have one shot. We're strong enough to fight if need be. I doubt this'll go so smooth as to take his distorted desires, but I know we can do this. This isn't our first time in his palace, after all.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I watched Akira and Ann enter the room, taking their seats. Weird. I didn't realize those two were friends. It seemed like Ann hated him from his first day here. Then again, I vaguely remember Akira mentioning her and Ryuji. 

Akira looks over to me, beaming brightly. Morgana stuck his head out from underneath the desk, gazing up at Akira. A quiet meow sounded, Akira immediately frowning at Morgana. "Shush..." His voice was very faint. 

"Okay, take your seats. The sooner we start, the sooner my lecture is over," Kawakami stated, students falling silent. 

The lecture continues throughout the period. My gaze keeps landing on Akira. He seems so free. Sojiro just lets him go, trusting him. I kind of envy their relationship. It's... kind of unfair. Why does he have such freedom after he's had legal trouble while I try to be the daughter my parents want and all I have are restrictions? It's infuriating. 

I fold my arms on my desk, burying my head. Why don't I get to be happy?

The end of the day approaches, the shrill bell ringing. Akira is already standing. I wonder if I should talk to him before he leaves? Then again, he said he'd be busy today. It wouldn't be fair of me to do that to him.

Morgana has his head out again, his meow buried through the students' conversations. 

"Hey, y/n!" 

I raise my head, looking around. My heart skips a beat. No getting out of this now...

"Hello, sir." I stand up, grabbing my bag as he approaches me. 

"You didn't hear about this morning from anyone, did you?" Kamoshida questions. For once, it doesn't sound degrading. 

"Not at all. I wasn't aware of anything happening this morning."

"Someone plastered some kind of 'calling card' on a bulletin board."

I frown. Calling card? "Maybe it was a prank."

He shrugged. "It's possible. I just thought I should tell you before some kind of rumor gets to you." He looked around the classroom. "He leave you behind today?"

I adjust my bag, tapping my foot nervously. "No. I told Akira I had to study today. My parents'll kill me if I flunk this test coming up."

"I've seen your grades, y/n. You'll pass with flying colors!" He pats my shoulder, making me flinch as I look down at my feet. "Still, better safe than sorry."

"Since you're free today, why don't you stop by practice today?" He asks, completely ignoring my last statement. I keep my head down, checking my phone for the time. "I... actually don't want to miss the train. It'll be harder to keep track there." I swallow the saliva gathering in my mouth. It's a lame excuse, but I don't have any real reason to stay away, other than him creeping me out. I don't want to go home early. I don't feel like confronting my parents. 

Kamoshida is quiet for a minute. "Don't worry about making the train. I can take you home after practice."

I shake my head immediately. No way am I getting a ride home from him. "I don't really like being on the road."

"Don't tell me you think it's unsafe. The trains are more dangerous nowadays, what with all those mental shutdowns."

I'm running out of excuses. It doesn't seem like I have much of a choice now.  "Um... okay. Thanks."

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