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My phone buzzes from my bedside table. I sigh, rolling over. My feet are still sore from yesterday, but I don't have much of a choice. Staying home isn't an option with my parents downstairs. Besides, I made plans with Akira after school.

"Now that you know about the Metaverse, I think it's time to ask," Akira states.

Morgana jumps onto the table, looking at me. "So whatcha think?  You wanna be a Phantom Thief?" Akira asks.

I look at Ann and Ryuji. "Wait, you're asking if I wanna join?"

"Duh! You clearly have access, so it's safer to offer than let you go in alone," Ryuji states. Ann elbows him in the side, making me laugh.

"And we would appreciate the help," Akira states.

I look at Morgana, who seems lost in thought. "I still need to know a few things. What's your goal with doing this?"

"Well, to help people, mainly," Ryuji states, kicking the ground. 

"I mean, I guess you helped me, but there's gotta be something in it for you. Nobody does this just to help others."

Everyone falls silent, looking at the ground. 

Morgana perks up. "Actually, I'm doing this because I wanna turn back into a human. Through the depths of Mementos, I may be able to find out how to do it!"

I frown, picking him up. "Hey, put me down!" Morgana exclaims. I place him on my shoulder, rubbing under his chin with one finger. He starts to purr, lounging on my shoulder now.

"So, what's Mementos?" I ask.

"It's the general public's palace. Distorted desires that aren't strong enough to have their own cognitive palace," Akira explains.

"Okay. I'll join."

"Seriously? That many questions for you to join anyway...?" Ryuji sighs, throwing his head down.

I start to laugh again. "Well, I did plan on joining anyway. I have too many questions about it all to ask now!" My body is starting to ache. "Can I talk to you again tomorrow, Akira? I think it'd be easier to talk to you," I state. It isn't entirely true. I do feel comfortable with Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana. The thing that bugs me now is what Igor was saying. I want to know how Akira is really involved and what that contract was about.

"Oh, sure. Morgana and I-"

"No. I have to ask you about something. It's... a bit personal and I don't need Morgana hearing it when I barely know him."

Morgana perks up, his eyes sly. "Oh, it's personal?"

"Shut it, cat!" Ryuji exclaims. 

I run down the stairs, bag over my shoulder. "I'm gonna be home late!" I call out to my parents, running out the door. I don't bother waiting for a response. Somehow, I feel a bit more free. I have a whole world waiting.

My bag is sliding down my shoulder, but I don't slow down. I can't hide my smile. I may feel like I'm running on needles, but there's so much I have to do. 

For once, I feel like me. My body feels like its my own. Everything feels like my own. Everyone seems like their own person. Is this because of my change of heart?

Even if it is, I'm happy. 


The trains are running a bit behind today. There's been another mental shutdown last night. What does this all mean? Maybe I should stop in the Velvet Room today. Then again, I don't feel like getting harassed by Caroline. 

"Hey Akira!" y/n's voice sounds, running towards me. She has a wide grin. Rather than stopping completely, she lets herself slide towards me, accidentally bumping into me. 

Morgana peaks his head out. "You're in a good mood today."

I push his head back into the bag. "Stop it. We aren't supposed to have pets here..." I look at y/n. "So, seems like you're feeling good."

"Yup. Can't really explain why I do, though."

"It's because your shadow is gone, so your distortions are gone, too," Morgana states, keeping his head hidden better than before. "Everything probably looks a lot different than before."

"I figured that's something to do with it." Y/n looks up at me. "Don't forget about after school. I really need to talk to you."

The crowd around us seems larger than usual, but all seem to be ignoring everyone around us. Nobody is looking at the faces surrounding them, but rather staring straight ahead. Even people speaking with others next to them fail to look at one another. I look to y/n, the look on her face making me realize I had dazed off. "Yeah. I won't forget. But where are we meeting?"

She frowns, punching my shoulder. "Then start listening a bit. I want to talk in the diner in Shibuya."

"No problem."

The Puppet on the StringsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz